Jul 31, 2011 00:27
When there's a glass filled with water halfway, do you think it was half way empty, or it was half way filled? I heard this phrase often in anime. It signifies that people can see the same thing differently.
While I know judging a story is a matter of taste, there are times I wonder why something so atrocious can be praised as a masterpiece. And there's also times I considered something so awesome, but no one seemingly agreed with me.
I always comfort myself that it's a matter of taste.
Problem is it happened way too often that I begin to wonder...if it's not them who's crazy...then it gotta be me.
Is my taste really that weird?
I grew up as an outcast for 90% of my life. My social life is equivalent to nothing. I can't stand people. I'm sure people can't stand me either. I've resigned that I'm weird in the society eyes. This has been affirmed by so many people, including my family and friends.
While I don't necessarily abhor being "weird", I worry how it would affect my choices. Whether I like to admit it or not, creating OASE was my decision. When I'm not there trying to please people, the results really show...no one likes it. Okay, there are a couple, but it's such an acquired taste. You have to like bizarre things like me to enjoy it.
When I go all the way to please people ala X-note, the result is there. It's clear that I know exactly what people like...the problem is We are clearly not in the same page. While I do enjoy X-note greatly, particularly Anon's path...I still felt it's not the "final ambition" I envisioned myself to make. The biggest reason why I was proud of X-note was because I feel I have taken a subject I'm not necessarily like, and execute in the manner that exceeded my expectation.
So obviously I thought if I could apply that skill to a subject I like, the masterpiece that I envisioned shouldn't be that far away, right?
Well, masterpiece in my eye doesn't mean masterpiece in other people's eye...remember? I feel I just repeated the same mistakes in OASE. I'm wallowing deep in this "masterpiece" I made, that I forget if it fails, I essentially have to slit my wrist.
Anyway, that's rant of the day. I could have sworn nothing I made in the past is even close to Area-X quality, but I can forsee it being a total failure like OASE.