Title: Grass Artist: faire_weather Rating: G Notes: Fanart for "Tempus" by ravenna_c_tan and can be found here-ish or various other places. (See her lj). No archiving or using without her permission.
You have a beautiful, fluid style, FW. You are right that Harry seems to be a bit smaller, but I for one always think of him as shorter than Draco, so it doesn't seem out of place. The facial expressions are perfection - really open and relaxed.
I understand your desire to be picky about it, but overall the piece is simply wonderful. You really captured the emotion of the scene, the flavor of it, and the result is simply beautiful.
I wish I had a color printer, but I don't, so I've printed it in black and white and tacked it above my monitor. Because I don't want to stop looking at it, but I can't keep the JPG window open on my screen ALL the time...
A million thanks for doing it. I truly couldn't be happier.
Well! Since you are the ultimate judge, I'm pleased. It's not too bad, but when you've been looking at it non-stop for hours, you can't help noticing the flaws, I think.
Aww, you printed it out! I think I'm going to go re-read Tempus. It was really good.
i have to say that this is gorgeous- and i actually think u did a better job o harry than draco. draco looks more like lucius there... older you know?? but still very nice
This is beautiful, I love it. I love the pose and their jumpers. Harry's is perfect for Harry and Draco's is perfect for Draco! Love their hair. *melts at this photo and makes it new desktop*
Comments 15
I wish I had a color printer, but I don't, so I've printed it in black and white and tacked it above my monitor. Because I don't want to stop looking at it, but I can't keep the JPG window open on my screen ALL the time...
A million thanks for doing it. I truly couldn't be happier.
Aww, you printed it out! I think I'm going to go re-read Tempus. It was really good.
You're welcome a million. Write a sequel!!!
Write a sequel!!!
Working on it!!
cuboards arnt all for nothing, and bottem harry is the best :D
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