Title: Harry Painting the Flat
faire_weatherWarnings: None
Rating: G
Notes: Fanart for the fic
"The Burning Times" by Dracos_DirtySecret aka
marry_me_draco No archiving or using without her permission.
I did this for my friend Joyce, who writes the awesome fic "The Burning Times". It's H/D and really, really sad and angsty, but I'm completely hooked. You should definately read it.
The Burning TimesAuthor:
Dracos_DirtySecretSummary: Six years ago, Draco Malfoy left his new husband with the promise that he would return. Locked away in a Muggle prison for a crime he committed out of rage, he returns years later to what he hopes is a new life with his husband, & finds in his place an empty bed, & a world that has no right to exist. M/M, Slash, MPreg, A.U., Character Death. Please read the warnings page. HBP does not exist!
Characters: Draco, Harry, Harry/Draco
Genres: Angst/Tragedy, Drama, Alternate Universe
Rating: MV
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations, MPreg, Non-con (rape), Character Death, OOC-ness