Finished my
do-me-veela fic and came in at 12k which is AMAZING for me. The only thing that saved this from turning into 50k of me fucking around is the fact that it has absolutely zero plot.
Okay let's talk about fic/fiction writing strategyI've gotten 4 inquiries on my writing process for Azoth now, which is just mind-blowing to me since I never felt like
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1) Title - I never start with a title. If one magically occurs to be before or during writing I cuddle it like a cup of hot coffee. It's a rarity. :3 At times I can't come up with a freaking title at all and I break out the dictionary and flip to "P" - one scan of my fic list will show you how frequent this is. Instead of titles, I start with a vague idea - sometimes a single scene - and flesh it out from there.
2) I rarely know how it will end. Sometimes I actually start to panic after 30k and it doesn't seem to be ending because bwaaaah? This is also why I tend not to start posting until the damn thing is finished. Once in awhile the fic will demand an actual outline and then I have a better idea of how it will end.
3) I look for ways to make every character complex, flawed, and meaningful. <--- I love that idea. I should try it.
4) I research the most mundane shit. OMG YESSSS, hell ( ... )
04. LOL yes, re: the tabs. I have entire folders in my Chrome bookmarks dedicated to specific things I was writing. I think the Wikipedia list is WELL OVER 100 for my original fiction. I also look up herbs and other materials that would make up potions ingredients, haha! I think I spent two hours coming up with the recipe for the Liver Repair elixir. Researching is the best part of fic writing, imo. I learn so much from it! Yay for you doing it, too. I can see it in your fics. *fist bump*
05. I ALSO add words when a scene isn't meaningful but I like it too much to cut it. That's how I end up with monster fics. >.>
06. I wish I knew more about my characters. Some I do, some I don't. I tend to get "Ah-ha!" moments about my characters as I write them, not before. Like, I may decide to give someone a sibling, and it makes me think of how their rivalry shaped the first character.
07. Same! SAME SAME SAME. I get SO ( ... )
My obsession with knowing everything about my characters is one reason I love writing OCs. When Blaise's irritating boyfriend shows up to annoy Draco, I know why he's such an obnoxious prat. :3 And it's really fun to flesh out canon characters - I randomly made Cho Chang Minister for Magic in one fic and now I'm slightly obsessed with that idea.
My WIP is hopefully coming soon! *crosses fingers*
*offers you fresh cheesecake to finish*
*works faster*
I'm not sure about complex characters. I'm working on that. But RESEARCH IS LOOOOOVE. :D
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