Oh I love English. Mauling it for my own amusement is fun ^^
Went to my brother's citizen of the month ceremony. And then had to listen to my father make excuses in the car. Sometimes I think I have such a practiced diplomacy is to counteract my initmidatingness >.> But whatever. my dad created a monster, now he has to deal with the threat to his ego.
Hung out with sam for a few hours gettign lost looking for morris' present, before actually heading up to his house ^^ It was...interesting to hang with random gumi and boy gumi (well, boy gumi w/out zach). Um, yay tension? No, but it was fun to see everyone ^^ Rewatched BR, and Dysfunctional Duo (helen and claudne) finally watched Shinesman, which is clearly awesome, and i forgot my characters name ^^;; But she is the WIN. Cupcake shinesman cheer xD
Rules: People who get tagged must write an LJ entry about five of their weird habits and also state this rule clearly. Then choose thenext five people to be tagged.
....but none of my habits are really weird ....they all have good reasons >.> Ah well, i'll select as weird as i can:
1. Freaking out when my father comes home. When I was little I used to hide in closets or under the table or under my bed. As i got older, i sort of got over uit but not really, always stuffign all my books closed and making it look like I was doing nothing but awaiting his arrival like a faithful dog. but i dont have to do that anymore, whee ^^
2. Rubbing my face into textiles. I like to nuzzle things ^^ I think its comes from an affinity of beign pet, because ym paretns pet me a lot ^^ ...like a pet >.>
3. Eating *everything* on my plate. ...a child who did what she was told, far too well -.- I know its bad, and Im workign on it now, but i mena,....its just ingrained into me to finish whats on my plate >.> ...damn joe discovbred this weakness at south street seaport...i have yet to revenge myself on you for that, joeseph!! XD
4. Becoming *infatuated* with my male English Professors. ...not really a habit for me, more a way of life. ^^;;; Hey! in Kinsey, he marries a student ^^ Im sure this is somehow derived from some raging electra complex I have only, instead of my father, father figures. I suppose Im going to win at life by eatign them an dspitting them out and absorbign their powers and becomign win ^^ ~squee~ I ruvers them XD ~squishes them~
5. How my first response is always to pacify the other person when i feeel threatened. Yes, diplomatic, but not the best way of doign things, because then I spend the rest of the night goign "~hisshiss~ GRAAARRRR" to my poor long suffering husband ^^;; Bwwuur. Stupid growing up around my dad and engineerign my life to fit his tastes. bwaar. but now i can do what i want...sort of, so yay XD
About a 1/3 of the way through the 2nd of the japanese books. Seeign Rusty tomorrow, Xstina friday, family saturday, brighton beach sunday, monday is class. waaa,~
You're so full of shit, how did I let it get so far?
Well you ruined my life, you were never my friend
And now all i can hope is that I'll never see you again.
Valerie, you make me wish I was dead.