May Madness

May 03, 2006 11:37

What the crap >.< This week is going to be work, but of a lesser demon nature than the 15th to the 26th. I've pretty much fulfilled my social quota, so now I can buckle down XD Im pretty much going to be busy until everything is over. If Im not already planning on seeing you during this time (High school, parents, Susan & Co, Sarah (rene?)), I'm probably not going to.

Today: Rack up language lab hours, rewrite my gov island paper, finish my times square paper
Tomorrow: Go to high school, reload Micrsoft word, go see Art Advisor (gonna try my had at 400 level courses, whaaatt~)
Friday: Might go to a reception thing at the Honors College >> Apparently all the half ass art I submitted is going to be displayed o_O ...and there's free food!!! ~squee~ Or, hang with sarah. or both XD

Sat is my mother's birthday, for which I will be home. The rest of time before the 9th will be hardcore work on my BAY project, probably invovling a field trip to Prospect Heights >.>
May 11th, I think I'm seeing Rusty...o_O Not really sure whats going on.
May 12th, Kyoto Sushi, Susan-tachi.
May 14th, Mother's Day. Also celebrating my dads birthday that day. (Rene is this the day your recital's on? Because that would be very bad.) The rest of that weekend will involve me writing my Japanese Culture and AngloSax Papers for the 16th and 17th.
May 17th: Last Day of Classes YAY!!!
May 19th, CHC Seminar, presentation of urban planning research. Bwur -.-
May 22nd, Japanese Language Final; Chinese Art Final
May 23rd, Renaissance Final
May 24th, AngloSax Final
May 25th, Ginormous Urban Planning Extravaganza CHC Paper Due

EDIT: ...also have been making sport by being a meanie XD Something that started with loser goth boy 06 and is still continuing. My friend Diana is being followed around by a different persistant loser otaku; for the past three weeks in fact, and it is my sworn duty to drive him off XD To date, we've used 2 different explicit yaoi manga, a manga about a guy that sits at home masturbating all day, and *MY* manga about Leo and Andy (Leonardo da Vinci and Andrea Verrocchio are rolling in their graves) which i completely improve drew, and, I have to say, which i rather like...the crack factor is freakking awesome XD Our plans for next time we see him involve the grand epic of my uterus (omg, i need to write an epic in heroic couplets, ZOMG) and kenshin yaoi doujin XD Look forward to it!!!

And musing on the nature of honor. Just read "Oroonoko the Royal Slave". And I was thinking about the way honor is perceived, etc. Still dont know when I decided to grow an honor code >.< That TOTALLY was not something I expected from myself. wtf. I still cant believe it. Or maybe those are just the pieces of my father in the back of my head going "WTF?". We are not honorable people....but i have an honor code? BLLERRGH. In any case, part of what the text suggested was the aristocratic nature of honor. Which made me think...because I'm elitist. And, really, elitism is jsut a more broad form of aristocracy. Interesting to me, because I have some friend that say they're aristocratic, and others that say they're elitist...where is the disconnect? Is there any in the modern world, which is undoubtedly bourgeosie XD kekekee. Maybe I grew an honor code just from my raging elitism? Probably. Oh Im so arrogant XD "Well, Im so much better than you, that I *can* follow the rules and still win". No wonder I had no honor for such a long time -- I thought everyone was better than me. It took grades and martial arts to give nme self worth. ^^;; Interesting. I wonder if I'd be cooler if I had more external trappings? Hohum~ And when did it go from "oh, i cna have honor because its convenient" to "I have honor and its important to me"? Has it even gone that way?? Or is it just my capitalist sensibilities (which i totally have XD) intuiting how I can most acheive what I want? Kyyaaa~~ So many interesting things to think about! XD Ah, the beauty of being self absorbed -- when you endlessly analyze yourself, the only person you might potentitally offend is you. So no worries XD

And now back to work~

reading, sophomore year, yaoi, man trouble, "deep thoughts"

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