Dec 08, 2005 23:27
Not sure if my title is correct, but its that famous latin quote "It is sweet and proper to die for one's country". Oh Aeneas. You never cease to anger me -.- But Im a bit torn. Because Aeneas puts aside his emotions for his responsibilities. And Im all for that...but Aeneas is a dick. -.- Im tryign to work this out. I mean, most of the people in the Greek epics didnt piss me off. ROME is pissing me off. Majorly -.- Like..everyhting he does makes me go "AENEAS YOU DICK HEAD, WAY TO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE WORLD SUCKING". At the same time, I really value moral fiber. I take literature waay to heart. Im not like Aeneas though. Or am I ? Grr...I have moral fiber. But I'm not a bad person. Well, neither is aeneas...but I dont like him anyway...wit..I do like him. Dammit >.< I think my problem with him isnt so much moral fiber as it is piety. Pious Aeneas. In think this is what raises my ire. I need to think about it more. I believ it is good and everything to die for your country..well maybe not country..lets reetranslate that into beliefs. Die for what you believ in...but at the same time...thats bad when you're a lunatic. But at the same time...i mean...eveyone is entitles to it. damn -.- I think this si why i liek to talk to people a sort of assures me i wont have to die? Like i can make sure, okay, people may not have my moral code, but they wont try and kill me. I dont know why im so parannoid about that. Stupid Socrates giving me nightmares. I have to think more about this..why the Greeks rawk and why the Romans piss me off...even though I agree >.> I mean..why is Greek morality different...AH.
I JUST REALIZED. The Greeks allow for irony, uncertainty, abstraction, etc, moral fiber on a perosnal level..lots of stuff..but the ROMANS. THE ROMANS. Believed god gave them a divine *mission* and it was their assignment to take over the entire world and fix them. with sharp things. Thats what pisses me off ^^b Now, Alexander the Great was a bit looney, but we're goign by literature. And looking at Literature, the Romans are way worse. No wonder this was the handbook of christian europe -.- They saw the Greeks as savage givign into their passions..but you know what? yeah, they did, but they DID have self control. They just werent lunatics like the romans. ugh. Reading this irrisates me.
Just liek my asians in the us professor...every DAY is an argument. -.- Today it was an argument over homoeroticism in asian males, adn interracial couples -.- "You NEVER see a white woman with an asian male" says he -.- OH come on now. It was in our freaking *homework* of the homework images was an article about "Asian Men on a Roll" and how they were like fashion accessories to wwhite hello, for that to happen they need to go out -.- And then more arguments ensued. Geez. -.- I hope I ont let my pissed off ness at him cloud my reason and make my final paper all irrational and bitchy.
gaarrhh~ Going to see people tomorro very excited ^^ And then the weekend is spent on biomed. oh joy. Oh XD And maybe I shall spend some tiem basking in Andy Lau ~squeeee~ But in the meantiem im goign to go angst some more over the nature of the greek and roman. There's a reason auntie Val has mad GREEK SKILLZ and not mad roman ones -.-
sophomore year,
"deep thoughts",