A Good Friday...and Saturday!

Mar 23, 2008 08:59

Skipped out on hotpot w/ Diana because I just didnt feel like eating meat.
Met up with Anna-Sophie, Anthony, and his cousin and brother (timothy & eric)
-DS!!! Now to program it so it's awesome like Anna-Sophie's
-Food downtown <3 ...omg CAPSULE...suntory, you are so funny xD
-Anna Sophie gave me a chocolate orange <3 ...whacking it was *SO* satisfying
Wandered around aimlessly and hit the Virgin Megastore sale ~cackle~
i am now in possession of Godfather 1&2, Tomb Raider 2, Pleasantville, and Silence of the Lambs OMG HANNIBBARRRUU <3<3<3
Ended up at Zarek's, hanging out with him and his family.
OMG I forgot how awesome Pleasantville is T_T
it's all about art and free expression, and and T____T Wauugh.

Saturday: Anna-Sophie's Birthday PAATTTTIII <3
- In order of appearance: Anna Sophie, Elizabeth, Me, Gary, Tanner, Anthony, Diana, Cathy
- WTF Sushi in the *light fixtures*... they must have been crayz drunk xD
- So excited because I finally found Protoplasm
- Elizabeth was cool and can sing loudly as well so i was MUCH PLEASED.
- Hyde amuses me *ennddlessly* <3<3<3
Dinner at Anna-Sophie's
- Her mom, her brother, Anthony, Cathy, Diana, Tanner, Gary... and Tiki ^^;
- Reinforcing gender stereotypes! Girls in the kitchen, boys sitting uselessly on their asses playing video games
- OMG I got to CUT PEOPLETHINGS with a CLEAVER, mwahaha.
yes, i've done it before but i dont cook *that* often and well, violence and sharp things excite meee
- CURRRRRY <3 Anna Sophie is skilled ...not like Diana who washes mushrooms xD
- Scrabble!!!! ...lol I won by a large margin -- ONYX, on a triple word score, no less. Not to mention MILDER
Diana, by contrast, was renowned for her inspired "EMAT"...which was actually "TAME". No Lexdyxia here xD
- Ordering things for me online!!! <3<3<3 she also leant me phoenix wright
- Her mom's yummy Strawberries and Raspberried thiingie <3 And Dessert bread xD
- Long trip home with Gary and Diana ...very long ^^;

Now, onward to Queens to see my family.
Oh, and btw, Happy Easter ^^

aijou wo motte sessuru yo
kanjou wo motte setsu suru yo

I will communicate with love
I will kill with emotion

cookery, japanese peeps, cinema, gaming, "family", karaoke

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