Crazy Insane Pwn

Dec 17, 2007 19:53

Lol crazy Milton blitz made not study for ANYTHING ELSE.
Result? Japanese final = LOSE and now I may take an incomplete and try to make it up over the break
Seized by the urge to just rip chunks of my face off right before the final to Jesse's diapproval ^^;;;
Cried at Diana later, because I'm just upset and sad and want this to all be over AGH.

In other news, i PWNZORED lizard man. Ahahah, he thinks he can intimidate me by yelling at me. Silly man ~grin~. I just sat there very attentive, chill and poised. Lollerskates I was so composed in the face of his onslaught he just GAVE UP and was nice to me xDD MWAHHAA. TRY AND INTIMIDATE ME, WILL YOU!?!? XD BITCH PLEASE.

I am made of win and I will DESTROY whatever lies in my way. Even if that thing is me xD

AHHAHAHAHAH ~crazy power trip~

The Next 48 Hours
• Finish Up Last 4 Pages of Milton Allegorymostly done anyway
...the only problem is Milton's fall because I have no model, AGH the fuck. Whatever, I dont *need
• Clean/Touch Up All 12 Pages of Allegorical WIN.
• Further mold paragraphical notes into an actual *paper* of WINNAGE
• Finish up Italian Assignments
• Study for Milton & Italian...? Maybe?
• Italian Final (11:30-1:30pm)tuesday morning
• Milton Final (1:45-3:45pm)tuesday morning
• Study for 18th century Art History
• 18th Century Art History Final wednesday night

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japanese peeps, tutoring, milton, senior year

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