Auntie Val is Giddy With Happiness

Oct 29, 2007 11:54

• Running in Bureaucratic Circles Dr's appt, paperwork, GOGO TOKYO STUDY ABROAD
• Italian Test think i did somewhat okay despite paltry amounts of studying
• Rewatched 2/3s of "Life is Beautiful" T_____T agghh Roberto Benigni! That movie is so touching T_T
- There is something about the relationship between Guido and Dora that is so like... *healthy* and unstupid and mature. <3
• Diana experiences the emotional instability of Hunterite females both auntie and protege
• A Rainy Dinner with Diana <3

• KARAOKE Auntie, Susan, Ryan, Jello, Diana, Piro, and *Zarek* lol ...shorty i would have lent you $ T_T
- One of the videos was hilarious and about erectile dysfuntion. And how women like shiny things
- We totally had to outsing the losers in the adjacent rooms. LOL DIR EN GREY
- Zarek certainly adds an interesting twist to Auntie's VisK Roaring ^^;
- Random GLAY posing. tehehee "Missing You"
- Diana and Susan always give a stirring performance of the Saint Seiya opening xD
- Diana!!! People think you are mysterious and shy and want to see/talk to you more
- Domo Arigatou Mr. Roboto.
• Dinner at Han Bat, minus Diana T_T
- Susan and Ryan witnessed firsthand the difficulty of Zarek's culinary tastes
- Further proof that Zarek can never meet Joe. His life would be in peril ^^;;
• I think things went rather well, in general. This whole mixing friends thing is interesting ^^
• Dragged Susan and Ryan up to Columbia to visit John and Christina <3
- A happy if short visit, as they had to get back to Douglaston and be places in the morning ^^ <3<3<3
- "Remember that guy I bumped into last time I was here? At dinner the other night, he asked me about those two GIRLS I was with teeheeeheeheee" "... -_-;" John so pretty T_T
- RYAN IS A GIRAFFE XD and owwowo...*simultaneously*
- "'Bulgoki?' AHHAHAHHA" dammit John tell me how to pronounce that fucking word >_<;;
"At least she's not like my other friend who said "BullGOOKee ^^;;"
- Susan and Ryan met the Bunny and were delighted~
- Ryan is the Bunny's new saltlick >_>;; a major improvement over that roll of toilet paper xD
- Auntie Val was a Tiger in a room of Bunnies <3 ~swishes tail predatorially~
• Rewatched The 40-Year-Old Virgin with John and Christina
- John, though the boniest one there, somehow became the communal pillow
- "Is *this* your breast?" "No John, that's my *arm*"
- Again, it was almost too painful to watch because it was like, agghh too embarassing to contemplate~

• We woke up quite late...and to a chewed up ethernet cable Bad Rabbit/Sir Charge/Bobby/Fobby
- "And Ryan was *just* telling us how expensive these were >_<;;;"
• John is quite into personal grooming more so than either I or Christina ^^;;
• Brunch at Radio Perfetto whatever it's called
- Debate over continental, american and *other* ways of silverware usage. Oh Fine Dining
- John and I are clearly starving peasants with no manners
- I may or may not have eaten a lemon >_>;;
• Deep and Engaging Conversation on People because I am obessseeesseed
- Some people cling to high school and some run away from it. "I wonder what he's running from?"
- I have to accept the fact that my social constructs can't and won't always work
- John was surprised I wanted to go away and be alone for a year, but I do. But I'll come back! <3
- Sometimes people say they like something because they're too afraid to try for something different
- It's harder to feel close to people in college; you dont really spend a lot of time with them unless of course, you remain in a foreign language ^^;
- I drew John a diagram of The Family™ because he was confused. ^^;;
- John's sister is so kickass T_T
- When you're happy, the sky is so much more beautiful.
• Passed out for a few hours with intermittent mumbling -- "Albania!"
• Met up with Xstina for JJ's <3
-Christina's more and more like her old self -- she even curses like she used to ^^v
- "Now now children, you are both very cute."
- And they *so* are. <3<3<3 Be more secure >_< ~pokepokepoke~
• Played with the Bunny for awhile.
- Tortilla Chips = BunnyNip
- WTF John. My Foot != Dinner Plate for Bunny
- JHwo + Xstina + Cute Furry Animals = Pics that Make Valerie Very Happy.
- John likes to hurl Chinese racial epithets at Christina ^^;; so much so she's getting pretty desensitized ^^;;
- Because John is Korean and Christina is Chinese, I've been made Japan's de facto rep >_>;;
" weird pornografic fetish fascist polarized masculofemale... RARRRRGH"
• And then it was sleepy time <3 ...yes, I was *still* at Columbia
- John wants to look into having Christina attain Susan's sleeping "skill set" *ahem*
- "My girlfriend is defective. Stupid China putting disodium [whateverthefuck] in everything >_<;;

Monday (Now)
Lol, time to do all the work I totally didnt do ^^
Japanese Class @ 2:45 -- Draft 2 of Proposal Due.
Milton Class Tomorrow @ 3:45 -- MIDTERM.
18th Century Art Wednesday @ 7 -- PAPER DUE.

doko made mo shiroi yuki no you na anata ni furu yume no tsubute
koe wo todokete yo itsu mo no you ni sore dake de kyori sae koeru

just like the white snow falling far as the eye can see the pebbles of dreams that fall on you
call out to me just like you always did with just that we can surpass this distance

japanese peeps, "deep thoughts", friendship, senior year, karaoke, susan-tachi, cinema, columbia, "family"

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