Well, I've done enough Picasso paper-ness, so I'm calling it quits for the night. Blah. On page 11 of 13...I need to do lots of extra research on Picasso's *friends* geez, because they just so heavily inform his artwork >_> and now its time for memes!
On the twelfth day of Christmas,
zeitgeisha sent to me...
Twelve kagenos drumming
Eleven blackronin5s piping
Ten edman218s a-leaping
Nine zen_nines dancing
Eight secretgarden_scs a-milking
Seven martial arts a-writing
Six cats a-people-watching
Five archi-i-i-ival sciences
Four visual arts
Three banana cakes
Two performing arts
...and a doujinshi in a photography.
...damnit i actually want to see that xD
To think, I couldnt get even one zach and then 9 just fall out of the sky dancing xD
In 2007,
zeitgeisha resolves to...
Become a better fuumaxkamui.
Keep my pierrot clean.
Buy new archival sciences.
Apply for a new yojixaya.
Volunteer to spend time with visual arts.
Cut down on my writing.
and now, because weily did it and I am a sheep:
ZomG the Ultimate Romantic Comedy Album:
Opening Credits: Hyde, "It's Sad"
What right have we to kill? Full of conceit
The worst creatures in history
The ground will find some peace
when we’re gone
It’s sad
These are both horrible horrible people. The girl is an ...ASSASIN. and the boy is a telemarketer, which is even WORSE.
Introduction of the Kickass, Yet Lonely Heroine: Rie Fu, "Life is Like a Boat"
And every time I see your face,
The oceans heave up to my heart
You make me wanna strain at the oars,
And soon I can see the shore
Clearly she gets her strength from other people, duh xD She is lonely, like the label suggests.
Introduction of the Sensitive, Yet Manly Hero: Hans Zimmer, "Hello Beastie" (from POTC 2)
Something bad is happening to him. But what? Oh, lol! it'll be funny, because he'll be tryign to sell something to someone and then they'll hang up and he'll get FIRED. xD
Our Heroes Meet: Garbage, "Vow"
I came to knock you up
I came to cut you down
I came around to tear your little world apart
I came to rip you up
I came to shut you down
I came around to tear your little world apart
And break your soul apart
um...o_O I guess, um, the girl has attacked him..because he said NO. THATS WHY -_- Because assasin girl took an interest in the cute looking telemarketer, and stupid telemarketer boy said NO >_<
Our Heroes Go On a Wacky First Date: Eve of Destiny, "Nervous and Innocence".
..not quite wacky...more like...*demented*. I dont know what the lyrics are; just lots of roaring. they went to a rave! and they got HIGH. because Assasin girl dragged him, and he was like "bzuuh?"
Our Heroes Deconstruct Each Other With Their Respective Best Friends: Dir En Grey, "The Final"
Deep within the hell of my heart ... I can't go back
A self-torture loser, not being able to see tomorrow
Suicide is the proof of life
So like, they both had previosu relations they feel they cant recapture this time around. But they feel liek they should throw themselves headlong into this relationship because the searing pain it will bring will make them fell alive.
Our Heroes Have a Significantly Better Second Date: Garbage, "Why Do You Love Me?"
I'm no barbie doll
I'm not your baby girl
I've done ugly things and I have made mistakes
And I am not as pretty as those girls in magazines
I am rotten to my core if they're to be believed
So what if I'm no baby bird hanging upon your every word?
So, the hero realizes what a stupid fuck he's been and tells the girl he loves her but the girl is suspicious because he's already been a dumb fuck, so she's like, "serioously iim not what your stupid conventions dictate i know you wont love me ANYWAY. Even though you should but you WONT"
The Significant Moment in Which Our Heroes Fall in Love (montage): Garbage, "This is Not My Idea"
You thought I was a little girl
You thought I was a little mouse
You thought you'd take me by surprise
Now I'm here burning down your house
This is not my idea of a good time
Good LORD this soundtrack is cursed. That, or all my music is miserable? so, she hates the guy and she's just with him because she needs companionship. Silly man made the mistake of expectiong conventional stuff depsite the warning of the last song >_> So um....he loves her now because he sees her as a possession, and she burns down his house and hates him.
Our Heroes Make Love for the First Time: T.A.T.U "Ya Shosla s Uma"
...the hero turns into a girl. because I give up on this story, wtf. And they have wild lesbian sex because tis T.A.T.U.
The Tragic Misunderstanding and Breakup: Shiro Sagisu "A Requiem for the Lost Ones" (Bleach Soundtrack)
well, that makes sense. They break up and its sad. Because she's not a lesbian despite the wild lesbian sex they just had. So she goes and kills more people. And telemarketer boygirl goes home and is all WTF >_<
The Montage of Attempting to Move On and Failing Horribly: Hot Hot Heat, "Bandages"
Bandages on my legs and my arms from you
Bandages, bandages, bandages
Up and down on my legs and my arms from you
Bandages, bandages, bandages
LOL. This would be hilarious. It's just a funny happy upbeat song, that is hilarious. Like, telemarketer girl would be trying to walk down a street in high heeled sandals and fall over and like....assasin girl would pull a really cool move whiel executing a lot of people, and then like...do somethign stupid like trip over her own feet xD
The Montage of Missing Each Other: Three Days Grace, "Get Out Alive"
If you want to get out alive
Run for your life
If you want to get out alive
Run for your life
So, they DONT miss each other...apparently the relationship was somehting to flee from.
The Chance Meeting: DVDA, "Now You're A Man"
Now you're a man (man)
A man, man, man
Now you're a man (man)
A manny, manny, man
Okay, so the hero-come-heroine is now a MAN again xD
The Reconciliation: Nana Kitade, "Unerasable Sin"
The petty me does nothing but repeat mistakes
How strong a strength do I need to have so that nothing will get hurt?
Without hesitation, I believe in this love and live on
I'll tightly embrace your unbandaged wound
welll..um..so he decides to embrace her bleeding emo and sadness? Yes. Now he's a man so he mans up, and takes care of her xD
Closing Credits: HIM, "The Sacrament"
You know our sacred dream won't fail
The sanctuary tender and so frail
The sacrament of love
The sacrament of warmth is true
The sacrament is you
SO....hurray! A happy ending after all that xD
So, got late foodage with Travel Sized Freak Hall and now we are all amusing ourselves.
"...and then sometimes Jason pulls me onto his lap"
"Though, those are just his fatherly ways"
".....o_O I see...."
"His *holy* fatherly ways ^_-"
"Auntie Val's Pimp Hand is Strong and Mighty"