Midterms and such studying habits are over and done with, so I'm heading to Tokyo for three days on invitation. Mainly business. Might stop and see some old friends and such.
Maybe I'll just staple something to their heads.
Leaving tomorrow, coming back bright eyed and bushy-tailed Friday morning. Maybe I'll get some decent writing done.
Izumo )
I forgot too, trying to get everything done so this weekend I have nothing to keep me from relaxing and doing whatever the hell happens.
I'm leaving for Tokyo Friday night. Kin and I are spending the weekend at my father's apartment for the weekend. Can't believe she said yes to coming with me for my birthday. I'm bringing a girl home to meet my father ... no I'm bringing Kin home ...
Good luck with everything in Tokyo. And with the shiney one. and about the picture ... are you -watching- him zip up his pants? And I freaking keep forgetting to do stuff with you and the shiney one, I need to just kidnap both of you at the same time so I freaking stop forgetting! I'm a bad friend not seeing either of you.
But I had this weird dream the other night and you all were in it. It was at some club or something in Tokyo and you and Kin and Karasu were on stage and for some reason I was standing in the back of the room with Suzu, and he asked me if the red lights were making your leather look too brown and for some reason he had designed what everyone was wearing. It was just this weird super short dream.
Well we're identical twins. It's not like it matters or is anything I haven't seen. Genetically we're identical down to the last hair. So... yes I am watching.
Yes. You're an awful friend. I hate you. D:
That's probably somewhere in the near future. I got offered an internship at a record company.
As long as you admit you are watching ;)
record company? in Tokyo... Damn that would be nice. If the band started getting things to do in Tokyo. Cause we all know how attached I am to going to school in this hell hole. Damn does that sounds nice. Damn nice.
I've had a few like that... one involves a barfing gravy boat.
In Tokyo but they have a branch here. That's how they found out about me. So I don't know. I haven't told them about the potential for the band. If they like me enough they might be willing to accept the others. I'm just giggling to myself over the access to "real" recording equipment.
I can't see a band doing much more than getting their legs under them in a place like this. Eventuially it all leads to Tokyo. That company and your job is a connection though and a connection is never bad.
True but it might be better to actually establish bonds and a complete line up before letting Tokyo butcher us. I haven't even figured out how to fill in the gaps. We have three for sure but no definite bass or drum player, although I could do either.
and you'll figure it out. Hell, you and Kin don't even graduate until spring.
I know. Rargh. But the intership will help things kick off.
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