This is stuff I've written on a forum at - read them under 'Philosophy and Religion"

Jun 06, 2004 18:29

There are 3 schools of knowledge in theology on creation.
1. You have your 'Theistic Evolutionists' who incorporate evolution with creation to try to appease the evolutionists who attack creationism.
2. You have people who take the literal meaning of 24-hour days and apply it the scale of time today, to the scale of time back then.
3. Then you have me, and I have identified most with the "Gap Theorists".

What the Gap Theory is... is this. You have the Dinosaurs, right? There are fossils and we date them to about 65,000,000 years ago. Anti-creationists frequently use this against us, but fail on one point. The Dinosaurs went extinct - and I believe this entirely, I would never deny the millions of fossils in the ground, and that somehow God put them there for us to discover and question His existence. God formed the Earth and the Heavens in its present state today, 6,000-8,000 years ago.

The Dinosaurs suffered some sort of tremendous environmental catastrophe. We know this by the sudden, and widespread extinction that took place. We know that humans (in their present mindset) have existed on the Earth for at least the last 100,000 years. We also know that the Paleolithic era was around 14,000 years ago. Surely humans existed at this time? Some sort of similar catastrophe happened to humans, and this is closely related to the Ice Age, melting of the polar caps, and a Flood (not Noah's). Scientists say that for the last 100,000 years, we as humans did not advance AT ALL. We didn't accomplish anything in civilization, science, or art. We had stone tools, and were stuck with them for millenia. I refuse to believe such utter nonsense and that all of a sudden 6,000 years ago- we finally got smart, and went from stone tools to communicating via the internet in this relatively short period of time.

However, Human history only dates to the last 6,000-8,000 years. What God did is regenerated the Earth 6,000 years ago. He didn't createit from nothing. The Earth already existed, he just made it livable. It would be like us in 200 years taking Mars and placing an atmosphere around it, some oceans - and making it sustainable for life.

Since the flood of Noah's time was a judgment upon the world of that time, then a flood before Adam's creation would imply a previous judgment upon an old world order before the seven days of the creation narrative. This is what I touch upon in my other post "The Deluge" - and evidence and legends of antediluvian civilizations that thrived before this catastrophe (before the Ice Age and Paleolithic age)

Logically, there must be a beginning and then an end. There is no evidence of the Egyptians working upto build the Pyramids. If they didn't already have pre-knowledge (which isn't documented or recorded as to how they acquired it) of building such complex structures, then this means they accomplished the end before the beginning - and frankly, that's just not possible. There existed humans and civilization before 6,000 years ago, it's just that all record and evidence of it has been completely destroyed.

(Genesis 1:2 KJV)
"And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters."

As the verse clearly says, the Earth is already there. Although it is "without form and void" on the surface, and covered in waters, it is most certainly already the planet Earth. The presence of water, in either liquid form or ice (or both), tells us that this planet already has some form of an atmosphere.

And after seeing that all these things are already present, can we realistically be expected to accept the #2's POV?
Are we to believe that God went "poof" and made the planet Earth, outer space, time, and lots of water, all at the very beginning of the very first day, without a single sentence outlining this complex work? Especially since God then only says, "let there be light" and calls it a day? That seems somewhat out of character for God considering that he then spends another five full working days afterward on just the surface features.

This is based all on the "Ruin-Reconstruction" and "Gap Theory".

To sum it up quickly you must understand a few basic things-
1. The Earth was not created during Genesis, only regenerated in its modern form by God.
2. We know there existed humans and civilizations before Genesis takes place... but we have no record of them.
3. Water as a means of destruction is symbolic of rebirth/regeneration throughout the Bible and I'll end it with this verse -

(2 Pet 3:5-7 KJV)
"For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water. Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished. But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men."

Scientific discovery has revealed that the universe, at some point, began. Atheists have failed to identify the mechanism by which the universe could have created and developed itself by random chance, without any intelligence or Supreme Being.

With scientific advances in the last fifty years, it has become increasingly obvious that life is the result of intelligent design. Design is the result of intelligence. Intelligence requires a mind. Who's mind designed life? Christians (and other faiths) believe God is the Creator of all life.

Not believing in God (for lack of a better word) is much more a leap a faith than ever before. Faith contains proof; however, faith alone is not a requisite to prove God's existence. I think there is scientific proof that God designed the earth as a mathematical formula in relation to the rest of His Creation.

What is this formula ? Well I've studied alot on numerology - and I had something strange happen to me last weekend involving numbers - if you care to look at it the thread is entitled "My latest prayer- answered!"

I don't know what the formula is - but I'm sure the number 7 is involved with it (my incident took place on Sunday the 7th day of the week). 7 is a perfect number. Unlike 60, which has many common denominators, 7 has none.

We have a 7 day week. There are 7 major body parts; 7 orifices in the head; 7 layers of epidermal skin. It takes 7 years to replace every cell in the body. There are 7 types of body excretions; 7 glands at the base of the brain; 7 body systems. The body is 7/10's water. We are capable of pronouncing 7 distinct vowel sounds. There are 7 basic types of life on earth. 7/10's of the earth is covered by water. There are 7 musical notes; 7 continents; 7 oceans. Christ was born in the 7th month. The list goes on and on. Oh, don't let me forget - the 7 Wonders of the World ?


Almost certainly you will- no matter the amount of sin you've done in this life, by the mercy of God it was declared that He who repents for his sins and recognizes Jesus Christ as his Savior, will surely be granted access to Heaven.

Don't take this to mean that you can rape, kill, maim others - and that will you go unpunished in the afterlife. No, we have what they call Purgatory. It is an extremely painful process, and any pain you've dealt, you will receive threefold back in your favor. We cannot have imperfection in the presence of the perfection of God and everyone else in Heaven. Everyone in heaven is perfect, because they have been purged of their sins whilst in Purgatory. The duration of your sentence there will depend on your actions in this life. So be wise, and do unto others only what you would have them do unto you. Do not hate thy enemies, but love them. These are all basic guidelines, and if you follow them - you will get access to the VIP section in Club Heaven in no time.

If there's something you haven't yet admitted to God, something you haven't yet repented for - do it now. You will feel the relief of guilt overwhelm you instantaneously. This is the mercy of God.


Well the premise and summary of the book is this -
God comes from "Heaven". Heaven is not of this Earth, although you do exist there eternally, thus it is in a realm where time is of no essence. Otherwordly beings (Angels/Aliens) travelled here (in UFOs) established cities and civilizations such as Atlantis. Wars were waged between different factions of the 'Gods' and this has been marked in every mythological and religious text handed down by our generations after the Flood (read my post about the Flood, and see the Book of Enoch) - which is apparent in Egyptian/Mayan culture, who had an eerie, and highly technically advanced knowledge of the stars that was next to impossible for them to know with the lack of tools they had at the time. The egyptians/mayans both had - Pyramids, advanced Astronomical knowledge, advanced Calendar (the Maya calendar of millenia ago has been shown to be more accurate than the calendar we use today) - the Mayans had calculations of the distance of the Sun that coincide with current scientific estimates.

All ancient civilizations had myths of "Gods" that ruled them. It is not so much of a coincidence to think that these Otherwordly beings fought over mankind (were we a slave race?)- and a benevolent Almighty God (which I believe to be the God of the Bible) saved us from the hands of these evil-doers. The Almighty God is the King of Gods, in other words.

Just consider this - I'll bring it down to two simple ideas - The Pyramids are highly sophisticated - meaning it takes alot of scientific knowledge to be able to build one. How did the Egyptians achieve this, considering written history is only 7000 years old ? We obviously have had this knowledge the entire time, and somethin catastrophic happened (the Flood) which wiped out all traces of antediluvian civilizations.

When you start to look at science, history, and religion - you'll begin to put all the pieces together. When you do, the jigsaw puzzle becomes complete - my jigsaw puzzle is almost done, I'm just missing a few pieces, but it looks like some of you haven't even started working on yours yet.


It has been found that in many places of the Earth, for example the English Channel, that there was once much more land exposed. In the channel there is evidence such as terrestial fossils and trees and such.

Ancient manuscripts speak of 'Angels' (aliens?) interbreeding with the "daughters of man" and creating a hybrid race of humans. Could this explain the sudden appearance of the Neanderthal on the evolutionary chain? Not only did the Neanderthal have a larger brain, but had more robust and muscular bodies. Just like when you mate a horse with a donkey - you come out with a stronger animal (a mule).

God (Jehovah) saw this and was disgusted at what his own Sons (angels) were doing, and what the wicked hybrid race (Neanderthals typically are regarded as barbaric, even cannibals). Some old texts even describe the the hybrid angel-man race as being cannibals, strange coincidence?

Evidence in the manuscript records from the Masoretic text manuscript as presented in Kittels Biblia Hebraica. Ref Gen 1 vs 6 "God commanded "Let an expanse (atmosphere) come to be between the waters, and let a dividing occur between the two waters."

Ref vs 7 "Then God proceeded to create the expanse (atmosphere) causing a dividing between the waters that should be under the expanse (atmosphere) and the waters that should be above the expanse (atmosphere)".

Could there have once been an ocean in the heavens, a protective barrier from the sun's rays that lengthened human life ? If I recall correctly, before the Flood, men lived lived up to 800 years. If this protective ocean barrier was removed, would that not explain the shortening of human life, and further coincide with the fact that sun exposure causes aging ?

Once God was disgusted with what he had seen, he had caused the Great Flood. Now where did this large amount of water come from? Did he just rain these waters from his fingertips ? I think Jehovah as more of an eternal being, than an all-powerful universal force. I think he has great technical power and could cause such a catastrophic environmental disaster to take place, causing this "ocean-in-the-sky" if you will, to fall down onto the Earth.

It's funny how I find so much correlation between Evolutionary data and the actual historic records of mankind. These angels mating with humans... no doubt created the Neanderthals (or Nephilim as the Book of Enoch describes them), and the flood itself would explain the sudden disappearance of them, and the survival of Homo Sapiens (through Noah).

Here are some more quotes from Biblical sources:
-Ref Gen 7 vs 11 "... on this day all the springs of the vast water canopy was broken up and the windows of the heavens were opened".
-Ref vs 4 "The Nephilim proved to be in the earth in those days, and also after that, when the sons of God continued to have relations with the daughters of men and they bore sons to them, they were the mighty ones who were of old, the men of fame". (Hmm... Hercules anyone ?)
-This is from the Book of Enoch - "[Chapter 7]
1 And all the others together with them took unto themselves wives, and each chose for himself one, and they began to go in unto them and to defile themselves with them, and they taught them charms and enchantments, and the cutting of roots, and made them acquainted with plants. And they became pregnant, and they bare great giants, whose height was three thousand ells: Who consumed all the acquisitions of men. And when men could no longer sustain them, the giants turned against them and devoured mankind. And they began to sin against birds, and beasts, and reptiles, and fish, and to devour one another's flesh, and drink the blood. Then the earth laid accusation against the lawless ones. (Neanderthals were Cannibals, they were large in body size, but averaged 5'6" so I don't know about "giants")
-1 Then said the Most High, the Holy and Great One spake, and sent Uriel to the son of Lamech, and said to him: 'Go to Noah and tell him in my name "Hide thyself!" and reveal to him the end that is approaching: that the whole earth will be destroyed, and a deluge is about to come upon the whole earth, and will destroy all that is on it. And now instruct him that he may escape and his seed may be preserved for all the generations of the world.'

This Flood from the Deluge (water layer surrounding the Earth) could also explain why the Mississippi, Nile, and Yellow River are some of the newest rivers on the Earth, yet are so large ??!

It took Ten Months before the tops of mountains were visible, according to sources, so that would explain some of the vast environmental changes that could have taken place (Such as the Isle of England separating from the rest of Western Europe)

Also I have little doubt in my mind that there was a highly advanced antediluvian technical civilization. The Tower of Babel, Atlantis, advanced Mayan astronomy... etc. Almost all traces are wiped out of such a civilization, by of course, none other than a flood. But legends and stories were passed down, no doubt, of great ancestors. That would also coincide with Angels breeding with man and creating advanced civilizations that probably did fight and do vicious things, resulting in their extinction. God gave us a brand new slate to start and look how far we have come in the past 8000-10000 years or so ? Certainly we just didn't learn all of a sudden how to make all the modern inventions, we already had the capability within us, it just took us years to re-discover some of them. I mean isn't it strange that before this time period, we have no record of anything other than fossils buried deep beneath the ground? That suddenly out of nowhere we invented agriculture, then writing, then successively on to the Modern day computer in a relatively short period of time?

And the evolutionists want us to believe that we came out of Africa less that 100,000 years ago and up until 10,000 years ago did we stop hunting and gathering, and using stone tools. I think it's preposterous that such rapid technological advancements could be made in such a short period of time, yet they want us to believe that we remained with no advancements, and the same tools, for dozens of thousands of years.
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