Mmmm bop :)

Apr 03, 2005 03:55

Aside from lame ass daylight savings, it was a good night. I got to the Castle early assuming that it would close an hour early. (Obviously, I was right.) That was a bit odd since I can't remember when I've been to a club before 10:15 pm. The staff were asking me, "Isn't this a tad early for you?" Uh yeah...

So I got to get my groove on. Dance dance revolution bay-bee! ;)

But, the best part of the night had to be Brian and Rashree. Brian snuck up on me while I was dancing and gave me a huge hug. Rashree gave me a hug a bit later. Both of them were inquiring where I've been. Well, Rashree also said they had talked earlier and figured I wouldn't be there that night. :( Doh. In essence, I've been missed and loved. They both said I need to stop doing this business traveling. They weren't the only ones. Theresa said it earlier in the night.

Got to dance to Rashree's new track for Alex's project Negative Format. I hadn't realized I danced to it until she told me later. I think her reaction was something along the lines of, "He's dancing to my song! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!" :D

Okay before I end this post, I need to finish by saying.... Apparently I left my balls up in NJ. There was a cute girl that was obviously not 'part' (in the usual sense) of the scene, but she was dancing for most of the night. She definitely was enjoying the music and unlike most people - those in and not in the scene - she could follow the beat and tempo. I think we caught each other's eye a few times and I intended to go up to her. Go figure when I chose to approach she disappeared. And her friends did too.

castle, girls

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