Jun 02, 2006 21:17
so i went to a racord sale in sacto at the KXJZ station and picked up 30 vinyls for 75 cents a peice, which was fucking awesome. not to mention that i also foud the first 3rd eye blind cd which kicks all ass.
also i want a shirt that says this
Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity
btw thats called Hanlon's Razor
i would also like to get one that says murphey's law on it
so for any one that knows me at all (which i hope is all of you) my family has been building ah ouse for some time and we are know framing it which owns all ass, i can walk into my room. i love it, i dont want to fuck with post pics so coment if you want pics, way easier to email it.