Age: Physically, he looks like he's in his twenties, but he's the reincarnated ghost that's a thousand years old.
Height: 190 cm which translates to around 6'2" (almost 6'3").
Weight: 84 kg
Medical Info: Dead, has no heartbeat, cold to the touch. He absorbs heat from water and it lasts for around an hour.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blond!
Physical traits: Huge. He's built like Dante and Sam, really. Large shoulders, big, big, big. He usually has a cigarette in his mouth. He has a tattoo on his back and his right arm occasionally turns into a scythe. Think Soul Eater, but without his whole body doing it.
What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: I'm cool with anything, since he does know most of the big spoilers in canon, but please use caution. If my castmates don't want everything mentioned, please respect their wishes.
Abilities: Frau is pretty strong. He has a scythe, the one stolen from Verloren, and it occasionally needs to be fed or that's a bad thing. (I imagine this will be a problem in camp, ha ha, perhaps I'll have to handwave). He can bring out this scythe at most moments.
Frau can also change into a skeletal form that looks like the traditional image of a reaper or shinigami, whichever lore you're following, and only the spiritually sensitive can notice him when he's like this.
ALONG with this, he has zaiphon that is really, really strong, so strong that it screwed up the performance qualifications for a bunch of trainees because he happened to purify everything. And that was a while ago. Frau is pretty badass, really.
He can sense when people died, the color of their soul, and things like that. Auras are a part of this.
Notes for the Psychics/Magically or Spiritually sensitive: Frau ... has a pretty messed up head. On the surface, he'll make himself seem eager about porn and very little else. It would be easy to assume that that he only wants to be a womanizer and doesn't care about things, but that's not true. At all. Dig a little deeper and his biggest concern is Teito (
aneye4aneye), his well-being, ensuring that he finishes his journey, and probably ... eating him. This is where the other side of Frau comes in. The scythe that Frau has is attracted to Teito for a number of reasons that are spoilerific, but it basically sees him as a tasty morsel. This scythe is also trying to overwhelm Frau and take over him, making him into a rape face mcrapeface all of the time, rather than conveniently only when Teito is half-naked or sleeping (... manga ...). It's never satisfied by normal "food," and seems to want Teito a lot!
Frau determinedly wants to hold on to his past and his humanity, especially with all of the comrades he lost in the war.
Other than this, he has a pretty big heart and is somewhat heroic in his need to save people when they aren't expecting it. For as much of his brain seems to be programmed to Porn Porn Porn, that's probably only ten percent of his concerns. If that.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Uh, ask on the first two, but I will probably say no to the bodyswap because it is very similar to trying to bodyswap with a Noah. It's complicated.
Hugging/kissing/other non-violent physical contact: Go ahead. :) Frau will like it most from the beautiful ladies.
Maim/Murder/Death: Frau will put up a good fight.
Cooking: In an omake, I think Frau is a good cook, but it's a joke thing and probably doesn't count. I'll ... just handwave this. CAST VERDICT AND THINKING ABOUT IT MEANS HE CAN COOK PRETTY WELL