Jun 30, 2008 09:30
In somewhere in the region of twelve hours from now, I should be doing final packing and such in preparation of moving out of this room and back to family for the summer. Actually, most of the stuff's already gone, since parents came by on Saturday to take most of my stuff, so all that needs doing is a little packing, and some cleanup, I guess? So it shouldn't be too terrible...
Here is where I typed up the contents of that previous RP-post.
On the topic of RPs, LoC on RMF should be moving again soon. It's really me people will be waiting on, I guess? This weekend was busy, and I feel a little too... uprooted (maybe?) at the moment to try an Elly-post, since (as mentioned above) I'll be heading back home soon.
MW on the LC-replacement forum has recently got moving again, since we collected all the necessary members and I had backups of the topic itself. I'm intending to convert the whole of the RP into XHTML at some point, but that's maybe easier done by writing a custom program to do the job, rather than manually processing stuff, so I've not been too bothered with getting it done quickly.
And I suppose I can safely say here that I'm hoping the current fight my main character ("Feli", I tend to refer to her as) is in plays out in a certain way, since there's a reasonable chance of getting to backdraft a fire-mage. And using that offensively is cool enough that I don't even mind questions like "Would people in a low-tech society even understand how one works?". =P
I'm quite pleased with how that place has turned out, though. It's still slow like LC was (in terms of activity, I mean), but most regulars at LC have made their way over, which suggests the communication network between members had less holes than I thought. ^^
I've been reading quite a lot about computer hardware news recently, mostly for entertainment value, I guess? I've seriously found it pretty entertaining how the situation between AMD/ATi, Intel, and Nvidia has developed. One would perhaps have expected the latter two to team up to match the combination formed when AMD bought ATi, but instead, the two of them are battling over stuff like hardware-accelerated physics and SLI and such. It reminds me of a soap opera, or something, except good. XP
Another thing I've been researching (kinda) is the second form* of Wing Chun, since I did get shown it recently. I kinda know what's going on for most of it, though there are some points I'm still unclear on; they were explained to me fairly well, but since it was the first time I did it, I don't remember all of it, and used mostly youtube videos to help reconstruct the series of movements.
* 'form' as in 'abstract series of specific techniques and movements used for training purposes'.
...I think that was most of what I wanted to say. Except maybe to point out Travis owes Barry an answer in that seven-point meme thing that was revived recently - while it's not really my business, I think it might be a case of not noticing the post? ^^