To See the Sun Smile: Part Eight

Sep 02, 2009 22:44

DISCLAIMER: All of The Legend of Zelda Characters and Places belong to Nintendo, and maybe some other equally important organizations/people. They are not, nor have they ever been mine. I just write silly fics.

Thank you again guys for your support, even after such a long absence. I can’t express enough how much every review or favorite means to me, you all rock.

Part Eight


She looked so young in that moment. Frightened but determined despite, a rip in the hem of her silk dress and a smudge on one pale cheek. For a fleeting instant they stared from their places across everywhere and nowhere. Her mouth opened as she raised one delicate hand, whether to ward him off or detain him he never knew. Whatever words she began were swallowed in golden light, and then she was gone, replaced by shadow and stone.

He blinked slowly as he adjusted to the change, looking around the rock walls of a cave until he found a stern figure regarding him rigidly. It took a moment of staring before his motor reflexes reminded him what to do, and he dropped into a hesitant bow. “My Lady.”

There was a heavy pause before she made a minute gesture and he lifted his head enough to see her strong jaw. Her arms uncrossed and she strode forward, looming over the adolescent as she reached out and raised his chin to study his face. Her mouth tightened at something found, but smoothed again almost immediately. “Do you understand your purpose?”

He searched his mind at the question, finding the answer whispered back to him in a voice not his own. Crimson eyes narrowed, blinked once, and then met those above him solidly. “I understand.”

The woman nodded and released him, waving him to stand. “I am Impa.” She stepped back, then turned to walk from the cave without checking to see if he followed. He did so automatically.

“Your name shall be Sheik.”


The cucoos rustled about sleepily as the first rays of sun reached the gates of Lon Lon. Humming a soft tune, Malon rested her basket of eggs on one hip and lifted her skirts to step around the chattering hens. She left them to peck at their breakfast and walked back to the house through the kitchen door. Taking the kettle off the fire with one hand, she peered into the stove before putting down the basket beside the milk pails. The smell of baking bread had begun to waft through the morning air. With a quick check into the next room she sighed and shook her head, then took two pots from their hangers, twirled them to her satisfaction, and smashed them together.

The surprised shout and thud of Talon falling off his bed made her smirk in satisfaction, returning one pot to the rack and keeping the other. As she turned back to the stove she paused, an anomaly at the corner of her eye making her glance back. On the table was a small pile of blue that had not been there when she walked outside. One eyebrow lifting, she strode over and plucked up the top article, holding it to the light for inspection. A familiar shirt, freshly cleaned and folded. Looking down she found pants and a neat stack of dishes, all arranged on top of a breakfast tray. The pot was set down with a firm thud, skirts swishing as she marched over to the cabinets and opened one, digging out the hidden money box from this week’s milk sales. Eyes narrowing, she muttered softly to herself as she counted the contents, and then slammed the box shut with a huff.

“Fifty extra. Stubborn mules, the both of them.” With a sigh, she replaced the till and took out a mixing bowl, turning her attention back to the oven. Every so often she glanced over her shoulder at the neat stack of her things, then shook her head and resumed stirring.

“At least he’s all right.”


Despite its stillness, the Temple of Time held a melody to it. It rested in the white stone, hovered in the air, breathed through the glass with the rays of light. The presence waited, suggesting if one only listened close enough they would find the notes. Sheik had yet to hear, but he kept his movements silent as he worked. There was always an opportunity.

Slowly, he tied off the wraps on his right hand, flexing his fingers as he studied the back. In front of him the three sacred gemstones revolved, glinting and casting colored shadows beneath them. Symbols of trials completed by a boy, a child, with no aid or guidance save a tiny fairy and his own will. No sacred sword or warping songs felled the monsters holding these three pieces; it was Link and Link alone. His determination had lasted and not faltered even then; it was a comforting thought.

And yet he found himself wishing he could have been there.

Looking away, he turned and walked easily to the temple entrance. There was no point in rushing when he could only wait, and he doubted his legs would move at any other pace. He reached the shadows in front of the warp pad and leaned against the wall, folding his arms. His hands should be shaking he supposed, or his pulse racing. But as he continued to breathe evenly, he felt… calm. His mind had adopted a relaxed state that he had not forced upon it through training. Perhaps this was what making peace felt like. Whatever it was, he accepted it with gratitude.

But then the Prelude of Light swirled through the air, and Sheik felt his breath catch as the spiral of light faded to reveal the object of his thoughts. Decked in red tunic and shield, Link lowered the ocarina from his lips and opened his eyes, pausing to check on Navi before he scanned the room. “Sheik?”

Shaking his head, Sheik stepped forward into view. Navi brightened and waved over, bobbing around Link’s head. “Oh, there you are! That was fast and look, we’re all still standing this time!”

“Well technically you’re not, Navi.” Link dodged the swat effortlessly, chuckling as he spread his arms and turned a slow circle for Sheik’s inspection. “Nothing maimed or broken, and I even took a nap after talking to Nabooru.” He dropped his arms with a grin, hair falling in his eyes as he tilted his head playfully. Sheik nodded, not finding the muscles to smile back.

“You have come far.” His voice seemed too flat and quiet to be his own. Confusing.

“Yeah, and now that we’ve gone through all the crazy temples and finally finished there’s gotta be one last one more insane-“

Navi’s voice faltered in confusion when Link glanced at her and held up a hand. His smirk had left, brows coming together in concern over a long look. “Sheik, is everything okay?”

At his tone Sheik gathered his voice back and nodded. “Everything will be fine, Hero.” Link seemed to catch the phrasing, but he forged ahead before it could be questioned. “There are no further songs, but I have one speech left if you would hear it.”

The hero took a few quiet steps forward off the warp platform, Navi hovering with silent concern at his shoulder. “…All right.”

“Another unknown legend of the Triforce passed down by the Sheikah…” The familiarity of a memorized script should have comforted him, but something heavy had settled in his stomach and was only gaining weight as he began. He found himself skipping the beginning section, determined to get to the heart of the speech before it reached his lungs. “The sacred triangle, it is a balance that weighs the three forces: Power, Wisdom, and Courage. If the heart of the one who holds it has all three forces in balance, that one will gain the True Force to govern all. But, if that one’s heart is not in balance, the Triforce will separate into three parts: Power, Wisdom, and Courage.”

Link nodded, but the line furrowing his brow had not lifted. He began to take another step forward, and Sheik inwardly grabbed for the calm he felt not minutes ago to continue.

“Only one part will remain for the one who touched the Triforce… the part representing the force that one most believes in. If that one seeks the true force, that one must acquire the two lost parts.” It was becoming more difficult to breathe, the weight spreading and slowing his words. “Those two parts will be held within others chosen by destiny, who will bear the Triforce mark on the backs of their hands.”

“The legend came true, seven years ago when Ganondorf entered the Sacred Realm. Only the Triforce of Power remained in his hand, while the other two vanished, to emerge in their bearers.” He was almost there. “The holder of the Triforce of courage fell to the one who would one day be called the Hero of Time.” He looked up from where his eyes had strayed, meeting that gaze of sky and faltering. The burden in his chest finally became words.

“…You, Link.”

I don’t want to go.

Link’s lips parted in shock, whether from hearing Sheik speak his name or learning he held a piece of the Triforce it was uncertain. He closed his mouth and swallowed, then slowly looked down. “Sheik, your hands are shaking.”

He had one line left, one simple line, and he could not say it. The Triforce of Wisdom, his mind repeated for him, urging him to finish. He overrode it. Stepping forward, he lifted his trembling right hand and let his fingertips rest against the warm cheek of the hero in front of him. Link lifted his head immediately, but then seemed to freeze in place. Slowly, Sheik flattened his bandaged palm to cup that pale jaw, bringing himself close enough to feel the fabric of their shirts barely brush. He leaned in, forcing Link’s eyes to droop and close.

“I never deserved your sunshine, but please grant me one more selfish indiscretion. Forgive me.” At the end of the soft, desperate whisper he closed the distance, gently pressing his clothed lips against ones soft and warm. He stayed only long enough to breathe in the other’s scent, absorb a small amount for his own before dropping his hand and stepping back.

Link’s eyes fluttered open, dazed. This time, Sheik found a smile waiting for him to use as he continued to move back, even though it hurt. “The Triforce of Wisdom was given to another. The last sage, destined to rule them all…”

I don’t want to leave him.

Clarity seemed to return to Link to be quickly replaced by fear. One gauntleted hand lifted, and he began forward in a run. Sheik braced his feet and snapped his hand up, feeling the golden power swell at his call. The triangle burst forth on his hand, sending out a blinding light that swallowed everything.


It felt like being carried away on the sea. He spared a moment wondering why this seemed familiar, and then let himself be gone among the soft waves.

*(Secret Game Code: em llik t'nod ,retpahc tsal eht ton si sihT)*

loz, to see the sun smile, sheik, fanfiction, link

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