Mar 14, 2007 22:49
1. Closest red thing to you?
A Hello Kitty PEZ dispenser.
2. Last thing to make you angry?
My theater got rid of Notes on a Scandal. I can't see it for free now. I'll have to wait for it on DVD. Bastards.
3. Do you have a temper?
I am quick to anger but also quick to cool down. This isn't really so much a "temper" as I only stay hot-headed for like 2 seconds at a time.
4. Are you a fan of romance?
Eh. Movies-wise it can be cute when done right. As far as real-life kinda seems like a big frustrating game to me. We aren't mind-readers. Let's just tell it like it is-we love to procreate with people who have good genes-and leave it at that.
1. Closest orange thing to you?
Pill-bottle. They're sort of a brownish-orange, right? Looks to me like they are.
2. Do you like to burn things?
Yeah, but I'm not a pyro. I burn things that are meant to be burned. Like insence, candles, and secret legal documents.
3. Dress up for Halloween?
Yeah. I want to pull off my Puss 'n Boots costume for next year. Either that or get Adam to be Samwise Gamgee and dress up like Rosie Cotton.
4. Are you usually a warm-hearted person?
Not at first. I can be very warm, but I'm ususally cold-lukewarm. I only show my warm side to people I really care for and trust.
5. Are you usually full of energy?
Not overflowing, but when I sleep and eat well, I can get pretty bubbly.
1. Closest yellow thing to you?
Little ocillating desk fan.
2. The happiest time[s] of your life?
Spending time with my cbot. Anytime Sean shows genuine concern for me. Getting caught in the rain on a warm spring day (when I'm in a good mood to begin with). Cuddling with close friends. Making playlists. I'm pretty easy to please, actually.
3. Favorite holiday?
Christmas/Three Kings Day because I get to see my whole family and I love going to my mommy's friends' parties en Espanol. Also, Halloween candy and sexy costumes, DURR!
4. Are you a coward?
I wouldn't say I'm cowardly. I'm a little shy, but I can definitely handle doing tough things as long as I know what I'm doing and there is a reasonable chance for my success.
5. Do you burn or tan?
No, I got my dad's pasty white skin genes.
1. Closest green thing to you?
Several boxes of Kool cigarettes. Yuck. I'm gonna give them to Lynda next time I work with her.
2. Do you care about the enviroment?
Yes, but I don't obsess over it. Most of those "tree hugger" type companies are just out to make money and make the government's policies look much worse than they are. Not that I agree with the government but FUCK the Sierra Club and PETA and all those assholes. They're just as evil as everyone else with a political agenda.
3. Are you jealous of anyone right now?
I can't think of anyone.
4. Are you a lucky person?
I don't really believe in luck?
5. Do you always want what you cant have?
I have a feeling everyone thinks that from time to time. However, I am strongly against materialism which means that the things I put value on are things I can mostly attain with self-improvement.
6. Do you like being outdoors?
7. Are you Irish?
Wow...previous survey taker hit the nail on the head: "Only when I drink." Those of you who have been present for said times in my life know that without fail, I sing my favorite Irish drinking song at least once before I call it a night.
1. Closest blue thing to you?
Water bottle.
2. Are you good at calming people down?:
I've been told that I have that quality when I'm around people.
3. Do you like the sea?
As noted in last survey: when the weather is fair, all bodies of water are loved by me.
4. What was the last thing that made you cry?
Seeing "The Last King of Scotland" brought me close to tears several times. Before that, it was the lube dealer. What a dick!
5. Are you a logical thinker?
Usually. I use both sides of my brain most of the time, so I'm always a little creative and a little logical, too.
6. Can you sleep easily?
Not really. I started using earplugs which help but I have to be exhausted to really sleep well.
1. closest purple thing to you?
Hello Kitty mini office supply set. Comes with scissors, stapler (with pink staples ^_^), a ruler, tape, eraser, and a plastic star-shaped paper-clip. I have to own things that are cuter than I am so that my ego doesn't inflate to the size of our galaxy. (Note the sarcasm, impossible to detect in plaintext.)
2. Like being treated to expensive things?
Not really, I always have a little twang of guilt when other people buy things for me that I wouldn't even be able to afford.
3. Do you like mysterious things?
What does that even mean? Such mystery in this vague question.
4. Favorite type of chocolate?
Dark, I guess.
5. Ever met anyone from myspace?
Not really. I guess Joe from Hustlebot, but he added me after we had met before one of his shows.
6. Are you creative?
See: Blue question #5
1. Closest pink thing to you?
My Melody PEZ dispenser/My bed. You guessed it: Hello Kitty sheets and comforter set.
2. Do you like sweet things?
I think I prefer sour, but yes I love sweet stuff.
3. Like play-fighting?
Yeah, as long as it's not with Sean Rolley (my stage combat instructor). I lurve to wrestle.
4. Are you sensitive?
Emotionally? Not more than average. Physically? On my neck, back, ass, wrists, ears...the usual.
5. Do you like punk music?
Eh. Some. I'm picky about vocalists and lyrics which makes most punk hard for me to listen to.
1. Closest white thing to you?
The Birthday card Adam made me with a picture of Data and Spot on it. :)
2. Would you say you're innocent?
Not really.
3. Always try to keep the peace?
Definitely. I'm very non-confrontational.
4. How do you imagine your wedding?
It's gonna be outside. I'm gonna look pretty.
5. Do you like to play in the snow?
I have to really be geared-up for it because I hate being wet when it's cold.
6. Are you afraid of going to the doctor or the dentist?
No, but I don't have insurance so I tend to avoid them.
1. Closest black thing to you?
The little woven Mexican bracelet that I've worn on my left wrist on and off since 7th grade.
2. Ever enjoy hurting people?
When they've really hurt me, yes.
3. Are you sophisticated or silly?
More silly but I can be both.
4. Would you like to go to space?
Hellz yeah. Star Trek, baby.
5. Do you have a lot of secrets?
Nope. Most of my close friends know my really secret serects. Like, the ones most people wouldn't speak of until they become famous and decide to write a memoire and milk the shit out of their accomplished lives.
6. What is your favorite color?
Brown and olive green. And purple. And black.
7. Does the color you wear affect your mood?
Probably. I'm sure I'll be taking a class about that when I get into a Psychology program. I'm pretty sure the colors people wear affect others' moods more than their own, though.