she's frigid! cold as a starfish.

Apr 16, 2006 17:17

hmm work is sweet. i feel a little guilty im earning money. except my hands smell perpetually like paint and babies (haha, instead of water play they should just have big tubs of paint. to put babies in. yesssss)

this might be the first year my dad wasn't all about the excuse to by a crapload of candy. i guess our little wine and cheese party was good enough. actually, having denise home is really awesome for my parents because they have to live with the failure of the three of us and it's nice when someone comes home and reminds them that they had at least one kid who made something of herself.

today is a lazy day. i almost wish i could have worked. it's an escape of sorts, even if it's tough on my foots.

it's my itty bitty kinda gritty awful cute and even pretty right there on my tummy
and i don't know why i love em so i just think they're funny.

now some go in and some pop out
i don't know what that's about
either way you can't go wrong
now sing that belly button song.

it's my itty bitty kinda gritty awful cute and even pretty right there on my tummy
and i don't know why i love em so i just think they're funny.

sometimes there's some lint in there.

one time i found a penny in there.

can't buy much with a penny anymore.

<3 zee
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