Meghan Trainor's revolt in defense of Natural Law

Oct 12, 2014 11:40

Watch the clip first, read lyrics and then will discuss it
What Trainor accomplished already is quite significant and it might grow even bigger. I am not saying it was a cognitive effort on her part because most likely it was not. Artists operate on the subconscious level (Remember the poet from Karel Capek's novel that witnessed car versus pedestrian collision and remembered nothing of the event but described in details in his poem, although in allegoric form?). However, it is a clear rebellion against imposed be several detachments of the totalitarian Leftist crowd in their cultural war against liberties. Let's analyze some of them. All regiments of the totalitarian Leftist armies hijacked different movements with nice-sounding themes / mottoes to recruit more sheep into the Leftist crowd in their super-task to destroy all that has to do with freedom: free market, free will and individual liberties (under totalitarian disguise of "collective liberties, collective rights, collective responsibility" and similar fascist ruses)
In general they stole based liberty liberal movement and turned it into today's anti-liberal "progressive" movement (which is no more progressive than progressive spinal syphilis). Government is a universal weapon of all totalitarians, so the Left pushes for Big Government control of every aspect of life (like fascist Mussolini said- everything through the government, nothing outside the government). To do that the Left infiltrated all the structures, institutions and movements, starting from education, then cultural war to turn free prosperous men into the beggars, serfs of Big Government.
Some of the Lefties hijacked old feminist movement for EQUAL women's rights and turned it into today's Femi-Nazis movement of female chauvinists- I call them "spotted hyenas packs" because of identical behavior- that hate men, want to replace discrimination against women with discrimination against men instead of equal rights.
Some Lefties hijacked environmental concerns and turned environmental movement into anti-free market movement while true capitalism (free of government interventions market), is THE ONLY engine of progress and improvement of life quality. They claim they "love nature" but in fact they just hate mankind and they want to destroy all men (except themselves, the "liberal" golden billion") to save the planet from humans. To make long story short, you can analyze every aspect of society yourself, so let's go back to the song.
One of powerful tricks in the Leftists' sleeve is guilt. In the course of cultural war against common sense (base of conservatism) they want you to feel guilty for being what you are. They brainwash you that "you are guilty of consuming Earth resources, producing CO2, destroying environment, you are guilty of living decent life while majority of Earth population starve" and all that Marxist crap about "social justice, forced redistribution of wealth, equality" and the like. Of course, those delusional Lefties don't tell you that the only way to improve lives is to have more free market to deliver prosperity. Economy is not a "monopoly" board game with zero sum- the more freedom the more wealth of the nation is being created. And vice versa- the more Big Government and socialists re-distribute wealth from makers to takers the less national wealth is left. Just look at the same people- socialistic North Korea at night is a black spot from satellite view because of "equality of poverty" while capitalistic South Korea is full of light and prosperity. Same was with East and West Germany- the more "social justice" the poorer population is (except ruling elite).
The rule of thumb is "The worst enemies of the groups that consider themselves disadvantaged are their own self-appointed bosses"
So, Meghan Trainor has a courage to stand up against those cliches of the Leftist cultural war.
Her quest is to bring self-esteem and self-respect to the women that are completely normal- they need to attract as many as possible males to pick the best one for mating; to have some fat to carry and nurse babies. As Trainor announces: Hey, I'm bringing booty back.
The Laws of Nature, including self-preservation and self-interests are outlawed by the the human-hating totalitarians of any stripe (commies, islamists, Democrats and other brands of socialists). So, you already see push-back in media coming from Femi-Nazis and other Leftist freaks attacking Meghan for simple statements of reality because in this cultural war of the Left truth is the new hate crime.
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