Нацистский режим Киева наращивает геноцид против "омоскаленных" украинцев Юго-Востока и против русских. Жаль, Янукович не выполнил своих конституционных обязанностей по охране страны от гитлеровсих недобитков, от бандеровцев, от террористов и нацистов евро-майдана.
Conflict of interests: Vice (very vice) President of the US Joe Biden's son is making big buck in Ukraine...That is if the Kiev Nazi regime will accomplish genocide in Eastern Ukraine that is going on right now.
http://www.themoscowtimes.com/business/article/son-of-us-vice-president-biden-joins-ukraine-gas-company/500062.html http://novoross.info/happens/26203-ukrainskie-karateli-izdevalis-nad-pohischennymi-zhurnalistami-lifenews-video.html http://novoross.info/happens/26180-karateli-hunty-rasstrelyali-10-ukrainskih-voennyh-iz-podrazdeleniya-otkazavshegosya-strelyat-po-mirnym-zhitelyam.html http://novoross.info/politiks/25787-glava-silovikov-kievskoy-hunty-setuet-na-nedostatok-karateley-i-zhaluetsya-chto-soldaty-ne-hotyat-strelyat-po-mirnym-zhitelyam.html http://novoross.info/general/26049-nacgvardiya-primenila-vertolety-s-simvolikoy-oon-pod-kramatorskom.htmlThe only way to stop genocide is to follow through the referendum results . The people of Eastern Ukraine want to have nothing to do with the Nazi government in Kiev, they want independance, they want freedom, they want to live, not to be killed by Nazi regime.
German government also wants to secure bloody cheap coal and steel from Eastern Ukraine, and that's why they subsidized and organized the Nazis of the Western Ukraine
http://www.german-foreign-policy.com/en/fulltext/58705/printhttp://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2014/02/17/us-eu-paying-ukrainian-rioters-protesters-paul-craig-roberts/Of course, interests of the governments have nothing to do with the interests of their people but an average guy thinks "Americans did that, Germans did that", not "Their governments did that against the interests of American and German people". How can I continue promoting and defending freedom around the world when Obama is worse ofender of freedom than Putin? Public opinion in Russia shifted so much that sequelae of this shift towards totalitarianism will continue for a long while. Obama and EU made a lot of enemies amongs the people in former USSR and Eastern ERurope, and the ripples of the thrown stones will keep expanding, thus hindering prospects of advancement of freedom in the world.