Jun 08, 2006 20:06
I finished the first part of my superhero story, so i thought i'd share it, it's okay if the whole thing is not read, it is quite long...feel free to comment.
Grey Shadows
Staring at the living room ceiling I had a chance to think about my life. How am I doing in school? Did I clean my room? And…WHAT AM I DOING HERE?! I quickly made up my mind, took a deep breath, and lifted my feet high above my head. It took a split second but it felt like an hour. Everything went upside down then right side up. I ended looking at my feet again, but this time they were on the floor. I had done it! I did a flip! I couldn’t believe it. I even landed on my feet.
For the next hour that’s all I did. I was addicted. I shifted to the side once or twice, but no harm done. I think. I would have kept going if my mom hadn’t shown up and startled me. I completely lost my balance and landed on my head. My mom stared at me for a while. I just stared back at her.
“I hope you know that you don’t have insurance.”
“Yeah, I know.”
She rolled her eyes, “Just making sure.”
I got up and tried to ease out of the room carrying my mom’s sewing machine. She followed me with her eyes, and just as I was almost out the door she gave me a look that said, “What are you doing?” I looked from the sewing machine to her desperately trying to formulate a lie.
“Um, I am suddenly interested in sewing with string? Heh.”
She sighed, “Just don’t sew your fingers to a sleeve or something.”
“You got it!” I gave her a big cheesy smile and zipped out of the room.
I really don’t think I convinced her because she had a look of suspicion on her face; although she did let me go about my business. Now that that was over I was faced with another dilemma. How am I going to make something wearable? I have never sewn anything except small tears in my jeans; and even they came undone. But I had to try. In a span of two weeks I produced failure after failure. But finally I got what I was looking for.
After making sure my parents were asleep I sneaked up to the roof. It was a little bit breezy, but that mattered not. For I had dawned the cape and cowl and became Grey Astrid! As I looked out at the New York, the city of my birth, I knew that ghastly crimes were being committed, and that I was the only one who could stop them. Then I realized there was a slight flaw in my plan, no fancy gadgets. So I was forced to take the fire escape.
The way down was frightening. The fire escape was very flimsy. Every step I took felt like a death sentence, I could hear the metal creaking below me. All of a sudden a gust of wind came out of nowhere! I looked down and saw one of the bolts fly off and hit the ground with a small tinkle. Everything was still for a split second; then all hell broke loose.
The steps of the ladder began to fall off one by one. I knew I would have to jump. The only way out that I saw was a garbage can on the opposite side of the fire escape. I tried to climb there, but no dice. Then something happened that scared me out of my skin.
The entire fire escape, or what was left of it, lurched forward. I let out a great yell and was left hanging by one hand. This was it, my last stand. Good-bye world! Don’t cry for me Argentina! So long…garbage can! I stopped right on top of it! I was saved! I dived into the filth just as the rest of the metal death trap came crashing down. I climbed out of the garbage can smelling like a whole spectrum of odors. So naturally I was worried that I might stand out. It’s not everyday you see a young girl in a leotard and a cape smelling like fish heads. But no one gave me a second glance. Then I remembered, I’m in New York, there are stranger people than me running around. Nevertheless, I should be cautious.
I spent half an hour skulking in alleyways looking for trouble. Or waiting for trouble to find me, which ever came first. When I finally found it, the situation was a bit cliché. I quickly ducked behind a garbage can, and took a deep breath. I tilted my head slightly to see what I was up against.
There he was, my first foul foe; threatening a defenseless young couple. He’ll pay for endangering innocent citizens on my watch. He looked pretty tough, the leather jacket helped. So did the muscles, and the knife, and…okay, I’m not helping me. I hope I can do this. Maybe I should have taken the time to bring a first aid kit.
“Give me the money, don’t make me ask again.” He walked closer to the frightened couple.
“Aw, you didn’t say please.” Banter, good touch. I had emerged from my hiding place, ready to kick some bad guy butt.
Now don’t be misled by my smart remark, I was shaking in my size 12 boots. But whether I was ready or not, I was already here.
“Beat it kid, I don’t have time for you.”
“You’ll make time for me!” There it was I felt it. I felt the confidence surging through me, the adrenaline guiding me. I advanced toward him. He smiled sinisterly and flashed his knife.
“Don’t mess with me, kid. Just turn around and keep in trick-or-treating.” He eyed me from head to toe, mocking my costume. I could feel my face getting red with anger.
“It’s not Halloween, but I promise you, tonight, your worst nightmares will come true!”
“That’s it ya little brat! This is your last night on the town!” And with that he charged. His knife held at arm length. I ducked and he tripped over me. Now I don’t know who hurt the most, him or me. You see, when he tripped, I got hi in the head with his knee, and he crashed into the garbage can behind me.
For a while all I could see was black. When I got my sight back I saw a hand reaching out for me. I was ready to attack when I noticed it was the young man from the couple I was trying to save.
“Are you alright, Miss?”
“Yeah, it just hurts a little bi…” Then I remembered, I was supposed to be the hero here, not them. I immediately got up on my own and stood tall.
“Of course I’m alright. I’m Grey Astrid. I deal with things like this all the time.” I turned around and saw that the thug was knocked out. I was a hero. I couldn’t believe it was this easy. It probably wasn’t, but who cares? I took down a thug! I saw the couple staring at me, as though trying to figure me out. Guess I’d better leave before I loose my mysteriousness.
“You’d better get out of here and call the authorities before he wakes up. I’m off. Take care…citizens.” I raced out of the ally and up a nearby fire escape. Now I felt like I could do anything. I could even jump form roof-top to roof-top if I wanted, now that I mention it…
I looked down. The building wasn’t that high. If I fell I wouldn’t get that hurt. And the next building wasn’t that far away. I could make it. I backed up as much as I could and ran. But something stopped me dead in my tracks.
There was someone on the other roof. I couldn’t see their eyes but I felt that they were looking right at me. The figure ran toward the end of the building and jumped. I was petrified. All I could do was stand there.
“So, who are you?” It spoke, or should I say he spoke, with a slight New York accent, a local. He was wearing a Batman-like costume. It was dark blue, his cape and mask was black, and he had a sharp-looking B on his chest. Looked like we were both in the same boat. I started to recover from the shock, and clenched my hand.
“Who are you?” He repeated. “What? You don’t-a speak-a English?”
“I speak English quite well, thank you.” I snapped at him.
“Good for you, now could you answer my question?”
I was disliking this boy more and more every second.
“Why should I answer your question?”
He chuckled, “Looks like we got off on the wrong foot. Introductions: I’m Brig and you’re…”
I tightened my lips. “Grey Astrid” I said reluctantly.
“Hiya, Grey. Now, I just wanted to let you know, this is my territory. So go back to Jersey, and be a do-gooder there. Alright?”
I tackled him and got a grip on his leg. I managed to get up and drag him to the buildings edge. I lifted him up and dangled him with one arm.
“How dare you tell me this is ‘your’ territory and then accuse me of being from Jersey! Take it back, or I drop you, head first!”
“You wouldn’t dare.”
“Really? It could be an accident you know, because my arm is getting very tired.”
I saw the worried look in his eyes.
“Alright, alright! I take it back! Pull me up!”
I lifted him and threw him across the roof.
“Damn, your one tough wonder-gal.”
“I prefer Grey Astrid.”
“Whatever, wonder-gal. Why don’t we divide the city? I get this side and you get anything but this side. What d-ya say?”
I really hate this guy. But I’ll play along. “What do I say? You mean I can have anywhere but here?”
“Yeah.” He said with a smug smile.
“Well, what can I say? How about…over my lifeless, unmoving body!”
He smacked his forehead. “I hate it when negotiations go sour.”
“How about we both get this side, huh? Sounds better don’t you think?”
He muttered something to himself. He tried to say something to me but it looked like he couldn’t find the right words. This went on for a few minutes.
“C’mon, sound it out!”
He gave me an annoyed look.
“You mean I have to share with a girl? You’ll let half of these ya-hoo’s go. Personally I don’t think you’re up for it.”
“Excuse me, but aren’t I the same girl who just dangled you over the side of the building, and made you scream like a little girl?”
Once again he was at a loss for words, and I was getting real tired of it.
“Okay, I’m leaving. I don’t have the time to deal with an inarticulate moron. The sun is going to be up soon, and I need to get back home before my parents find my bed empty.”
“Aw, wittle giwl need to go beddy-bye?”
“Speak to me like that again, and I promise your parents won’t ever see you again.”
“Fine, we’ll finish this later.”
“Or we could finish it now. I could play a little longer.”
“Alright then.”
He ran toward me, I expected him to hit me face on but he surprised me, did a flip, landed on his feet and kicked me. Kicked me hard the bastard.
“Ow. What the hell are you?”
“Your worst nightmare.”
I scoffed, “You have no idea what my nightmares are like.”
“Ooh, dark, tormented girl.”
I swiped him off his feet and held him down with my knee.
“Actually, I heard it in Batman once, though it’d be cool. And here’s something learned from dear ol’ Bruce.” I pointed at his chest.
“I learned that if I hit this spot hard enough, it could be fatal. So you should think twice about messing with me.” I let him go and stood up. Now it was my turn to give him the smug smile.
“Game, set, match. See you around, Brig.”
I left him there on that rooftop. I had a feeling that this wasn’t the last I was going to see of him. Actually, I was sure of it. Especially since I saw him trying to follow me home. I quickly darted around a corner and stuck out my arm. Just as I suspected he ran right into it. I picked him up, pinned him against the wall, and put my finger on his chest.
“Do you want to die?”
“No, but maybe you do.” He put his finger on the fatal spot on my chest.
He sneered, “Looks like the tables have turned.”
“How do you even know that’s the right place?”
“Maybe I do, maybe I don’t. Do you really want to take that chance?”
“Fine.” I lowered my hand and let him go. “Truce?”
He lowered his hand as well, “Truce.”
“And by ‘truce’ I mean ‘don’t follow me home’”
“Deal. See you around, wonder-gal.” And with that he ran around the corner and was gone…for today.
When I got home I was so tired I was willing to sleep in the ally way, but I knew I couldn’t compromise my secret identity. So I mustered all the strength I could and started to climb the fire escape of the building next door. When I got to the roof I once again had to do something that my current physical state would not be in favor of. I jumped to the roof of my building, opened the door to the staircase, and went down to my apartment.
I put my ear to the door, praying that my parents weren’t awake yet. I opened the door, and everything was still. I scurried over to my bedroom, still praying that they wouldn’t wake up yet. I changed out of my outfit, which still reeked, and got into bed. Just at that moment my alarm went off.
“Not happening!” I disconnected my alarm clock and threw it across the room. And wouldn’t you know it, a few minutes later my mom came in.
“Good Morning sunshine! Let’s greet the day with an attitude of gratitude!”
“How can an adult be this cheery without their morning coffee?”
“What was that dear?”
She wrinkled her nose, “What is that smell? Did you roll out of your bed into a garbage can?”
“You don’t know the half of it.”
“You march right into that bathtub young lady!”
I rolled off the bed and crawled toward my towel.
“I’m marching. I’m marching!”
I think I made a big mistake. What was I thinking? Becoming a super hero? Idiot! I marched out to the living room where my dad was already watching the news.
“Morning, Mugs!”
“Morning, Dad.”
“Want to hear something exciting?”
“Sure, why not.” I said through a yawn.
“Some guy escaped from prison last night, maybe that was him that made all the racket last night.”
“Yeah, sure. They have a profile on this guy?”
My Dad looked at me in surprise.
“What? I’m interested!”
“Well, he’s about 6 feet tall, dark hair, and his weapon of choice is a knife.”
Could it be…na! But could it?
“They probably already caught him, Dad.”
“If they did it would all over the news.”
“Looks like it is.”
My Dad looked at the T.V., and sure enough there were the cops, bringing him back to home sweet home. And it looked like…I knew it! It was him!
“Well I’d better get ready for school.”
I was a new person today. I mean how many kids my age can say they put an escaped convict in jail, and on their first night as a vigilante. Here I was a normal girl, except for the fact that now I have an alter ego. An alter ego named Grey Astrid!