Title: Sparkley Tomato
Author/Artist: Zeenzazada
Character(s) or Pairing(s): Spain/Romano
Rating: T for gayness
Summary: APH Twilight spoof. Romano discovers what Spain really is.
I blame my Sheezy Art RP group.
“Romano~!” the Spaniard called as he entered the elder Italian’s house. He walked humming an upbeat tune as he looked for his friend. “Romano?” he called, finding him in the kitchen, back turned to him. “Ro-”
“I know what you are,” the Italian said, cutting off Spain. The Spaniard stared at his back in confusion.
“Romano, what-”
“Your impossibly dense and oblivious.” He scoffed, turning his head to the side to gaze out the kitchen window. “Your skin is evenly tanned and lukewarm.” Spain furrowed his brow in confusion.
“Romano, evenly tanned skin is-”
“Your eyes gleam every time I see you.” Romano hesitated. “And sometimes you speak in a Spanish accent.”
“Lovi, I have a Spanish ac-”
“You always drink Tomato Juice , and you sparkle when your happy.” Romano said quietly as he hugged himself. “How old are you?”
“Twenty five.” He answered, confusion ringing in the tone.
“How long have you been twenty five?”
“About as long as you have been twenty tw-”
“I know what you are.” The Spaniard walked slowly towards the Italian, studying his posture, deciding it was best to go along with whatever Lovino was playing.
“Say it,” He whispered into his ear, “out loud.” Romano shivered as he felt his breath tickle his ear. “Say it,” he cooed.
“Pasta,” Spain looked over the Italian’s shoulder shocked at what he had just heard.
“.....What?" Romano turned his head to look at Antonio’s face.
“Your breath smells like pasta,” He said in amazement. Spain looped his arms around the smaller man’s shoulders pulling him into a hug.
“Lovi, you really had me worried with that over dramatic attitude.” He sighed.
“Sh-shut up,” stammered in embarrassment as the Spaniard placed a kiss on the side of his head.
“Now,” he leaned his head down onto his shoulder still hugging the Italian. “What where you saying I was?”
“Th-that’s not important anymore!” Lovino huffed. “Why the heck does your breath smell like pasta?!”
“Cause you’re cute when you’re hungry,” he chuckled, lightly kissing his neck.
---------~REJECTED ENDING~---------
“Say it,” He whispered into his ear, “out loud.” Romano shivered as he felt his breath tickle his ear. “Say it” he cooed.
“Gay.” Spain froze as the words hit his ears.
“Are you afraid?”
“No,” Ramano turned to face the taller man, “I’m only afraid of losing you.”