Season one

Jan 01, 2007 13:35

Veronica Mars

Favorite Episode - An Echolls Family Christmas. I love how Veronica resolves the case. How she walks around this table and everybody is just stunned. The whole episode is great because it shows her with her formal friends and how she deals with them. Maybe I picked it also out because I'm still in the Christmas mode and in this episode we see how they celebrate it in Veronicaworld.

Least Favorite Episode - Drinking the Kool-Aid. I didn't like the MotW. This case about the sect and the hypnosize-doctor or whatever he was just didn't impress me. And I'm also not a huge Casey fan. I just think this whole episode was kinda needless. And I was so angry with Veronica in the end that she just destroyed the DNA-envelope. I was so curious what was in it. Duh.

Favorite Line - Logan: „This isn't a favor. It's a job you know. We're not exchanging friendship bracelets.“ Veronica: „I'll stop braiding.“ I laughed so hard.

Favorite Scene - The scene in An Echolls Family Christmas when she walks around the poker table. I wouldn’t be so self-confident in a room with five guys who mostly hate you.

Favorite Character - Logan. All the way. I really love Veronica in the first season but Logan will always be my super-hero:D. He’s funny, a jackass, confident, sweet, sexy, broken, charming and have I mentioned sexy? He cares for the people he loves. They mean everything to him.

Least Favorite Character - Dick. I. Hate. Him. So. Much. Even more than Lamb. Lamb just laughed at Veronica as she told him about her rape. But Dick encouraged Beaver to rape her. I'll never forget that.

Favorite non Logan or Veronica Character (n/a if answered above) - Wallace. He's almost as funny as Veronica and Logan are. And he helps her although she uses him (in the first part of season 1). He's her only real friend and he sticks.

Favorite Recurring High Schooler - Meg. She's just sweet. And altough all of the other 09'ers (except Troy) are against Veronica she helps her out. I think behind her soft facade is a really stubborn girl who stands up for other people.

Favorite Recurring Adult - Cliff. He's just funny. I really like his scene with Veronica in the very first episode in the office.

Least Favorite recurring High Schooler - Cassidy. I just don’t think he’s interesting in the first season. He’s just a shadow behind Dick.

Least Favorite recurring Regular Adult - Celeste. She’s just cold. And she would do anything for her little baby boy Duncan even if it means to lay a hand on her daughters dead body.

Best parent - Keith. Do I have to say more? He saves her in the end. And even if it isn’t always right that he lets Veronica work in his office, he always wants the best for her.

Worst Parent - Aaron. Abuse. Cheating. Driving his wife crazy and to death. Sleeping with his son’s girlfriend. Murdering his son’s girlfriend.


Favorite L/V Scene - Ruskie Bussiness. The play of their -we’re an engaged and happy innocent couple- thing was so amazing. The whole Veronica is concerned about him and looks out for him and holds him when his world breaks down. Amazing.

Favorite Moment - When he asks her out for a date. This scene is just so sweet and they are (almost) a normal couple. They want to skip school together. This is just sweet.

Most Romantic Moment - The I-want-you-to-trust-me-speech. And she dooooeees:D (even if it are just five minutes).

Most Unexpected Romantic Moment - their first kiss:D This was so well played. They were really taken aback.

Most Intense Moment - Their break-up. He’s so angry and disappointed.

Saddest Moment - Veronica pretends but she thinks he murdered Lilly and she just plays him. And he’s so sweet and has no clue and she stabs him in the back.

Sexiest Moment - their make-out in the bathroom. No doubt.

Most Playful Moment - before and in the poolhouse. Their playfull talk is really sweet.

Most Hopeful Moment - after their first kiss. In the journalism class room. I love the looks they exchange.

Best Kiss - When they twirl in logan’s house after he picked her up at Weevil’s uncle’s autoshop .

Favorite Line

- Logan - „Wow sugar puss, you've certainly been a busy little bee. Oh she's a keeper.“ I.Love.This.Line. I laughed so hard. He really has acting skills. She began with their little show and he’s immediately in his role. Their faces after this are priceless.

- Veronica - „So wrong, it’s right?” Word. That describes their relationship so well.

Most Romantic Line

- Logan - „Veronica. All I care about is you.” That’s the sweetest thing he could say.

- Veronica - „I’m just glad you’re here.” Squee.

Most Angsty Line

- Logan - "Logan, I'm gonna go home and put my head in the oven because I can't go on living knowing what a heartless bitch I am!" I love this line. It’s should be funny but it isn’t. I wanted to cry as he said that.

- Veronica - „I'm going to find out who did this to me and I'm going to make them pay. Even if it was you.” And she breaks his heart.

Best Look Exchanged Overall

- Logan - His look in the pilot. After he smashed her headlights in. I missed the pilot at first and started watching VM at the second episode. When I first saw the pilot I knew that they would get together and I was really stunned at his look he gave her in the very first episode. This intensive stare. If he hates her or loves her it doesn’t matter. Their chemistry is awesome. (But I like it better when he loves her, of course:D)

- Veronica - After their first kiss as she walks in the classroom. She wasn’t yet sure what was going on between her and Logan, but she couldn’t take her eyes of him.

veronica mars

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