Too early to bed, too early to rise.

Jun 10, 2003 03:28

It's the 3am awakedness!

I probably shouldn't have flopped on my bed and let myself fall asleep around 8pm, but it's too late to help it now.

Today... errr, technically yesterday... on Monday! Stephen and I went shopping at Metrotown.
So I didn't buy anything, but I thought about buying some clothes. The top item on my list was a sweat suit for bumming around Seattle in, but I couldn't find anything in a more "classic" style. As in, something that wasn't all a la fitted Lululemon. I just wanted something baggy, like I used to have in highschool -- is it too much to ask?

Anyways, we finally got to sit and eat some food (yeearrgh fooooooooooooooood) at TGIFs and watch the last half of the hockey game. Damn those Devils. I really wanted Anaheim to win cuz, like, west coast representz!

One thing that surprised myself about yesterday: I let Stephen pay for my dinner.

Normally I wouldn't let anyone pay for me... especially not friends (sometimes not even family). I've always had trouble accepting thing like that and I never really knew why. Well... still don't know why, rather. Once someone mentioned to me that they had the same problem because they didn't really feel like they deserved such kind gestures. The same thing usually applies to me and presents too -- I don't really like accepting them, that is.
Perhaps that "someone" was right about me.

Ooh, ahh...
Deep psychological thoughts for an almost-4am-Christine.

I'm going to eat a bowl of cereal and go to bed.

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