(no subject)

Nov 12, 2009 09:09

Leave me a comment saying "Resistance is Futile."

• I'll respond by asking you five questions so I can satisfy my curiosity
• Update your journal with the answers to the questions
• Include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people questions

1. OMG you are moving to Nova soon, are you worried? Scared? Unhappy of some part of your moving or just happy to have a better job and be on your own again?  I am here actually, been here a week and a bit more.  I was very nervous and excited during the days that led up to the move.  Katie was with me the last weekend before so that was a big help.  It was jarring to pack up and move on sunday and start on monday.  I have now learned to give myself a few days to settle in.  So far my job is...ok.  I don't want to do this for the rest of my life but I don't have much of a choice right now.  I needed full time work, so here I am.
2. What exactly is this new job anyway? (Realized the other day when telling James you were moving that I had no idea what kind of job you were moving too...) I work as a lab technician for an optical company.  The most basic explanation is that I make glasses.  It gets more involved than that but not to much, XD.
3. Recently you've decided that you want to be a High School history teacher, kind of a thankless job, what do you think will make it worthwhile?  All I really want in life is spending time with Katie and living with her, reading books, playing video games, and having enough money to do all of the above.  So since I don't seem to have much professional ambition, I decided that I wanted to devote my 40 hours of work a week to something that makes the world a better place.  If you are going to make money, you might as well feel good about it!  A teacher is something I can see myself as being.  I can teach, and enjoy it at times even!  What I really want to be in a middle school teacher, that way I can "save" them.  I remember one day while subbing at an elementary school, I walked in to a class of bright and engaged faces.  I looked around and couldn't help but think that one or two of these kids wouldn't make it in middle school, and might even drop out in high school.  I want to make sure that doesn't happen.  With that in mind, I don't need thanks.
4. So the wedding is approaching, are you looking forward to any part of the day or simply getting to spend your forever with Katie?  The latter.  The wedding is, for me, a means to an end to get to the latter and a chance to see everyone again.  My main goal in this wedding is to see Katie happy.  If she doesn't get her way, then I will be going hulk smash.  Luckily all she really wants is a pretty dress and a declaration of marriage.
5. I was thinking about fencing the other day, (when I realize that in lots of pictures from the wedding I have my arm bent funny in a way I used to have it when holding my epee) do you miss it? If yes, what part most?  I miss it a lot.  I miss everyone being there and hanging out.  I miss the chats and the duels.  I miss the gathering of the equipment at the end and shouting my one line.  I miss the slow walk to the nest.  I miss the massive horde eating outside.  I miss it, but I remember it, so in a way I don't miss it...cause its not gone.

On another note, I am in Nova.  My days off are thursday and sunday so hit me up if you want to hang out.  My job is rather jobish.  I live in sterling, right off route 7 (-_-), but I am only 10 minutes away from work.

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