
Oct 30, 2007 17:09

I had a very interesting morning today.  In fact, I would label it as the most interesting morning I have had in a long time, if not ever.  It was one of those morning that you want to hold in your memory for as long as you can and never forget it.

I woke up around the same time as usual for me, 530ish.  I like to get up this early as it gives me two hours to get myself situated and what not before I have to leave for work at 730.  I got out of bed, looked out the window...and saw snow.  Not just a little bit, I saw snow everywhere.  I saw it on my deck, in the trees, and the ground, it was all around the place.  I was stunned and did several double takes to see what the hell.  No matter how many times I didn't believe it, the snow was still there.  Confused and flustered I promply turned on the lights and went over to my computer, not thinking to much of it.  After all, it is below freezing around here at night and sudden snowfalls are not unknown.  While the lights were on in the apartment that made everything pitch black outside and therefore I couldn't see much of the snow.  I wish I had.

After an hour or so of messing around I took a shower and then started to dress thinking to myself how I was going to get my car out of the driveway and that I might have to miss work today.  Then, I looked out the door...and all the snow was gone.  Not a trace of white anywhere.  It was a dry fall morning, nothing more and nothing less.  The snow which I would have sworn I had seen an hour ago had all gone away.

A logical mind will assert itself here and bring up several points which are admittedly valid.
1) I had just woken up and was still sleepy.  Also, even though my vision is more than good enough to see snow without contacts, I still didn't have the contacts in.
2) Frost, it often happens on cold mornings. 
3) The moon was very bright these past few nights and I noted as much when I went to sleep in the morning.

All of these together would show that, logically, I was fooled by a trick of light...and yet...

I can't but it into words on a screen.  Look into your memories, remember how the snow looked when you got up in the college days and looked out the window?  It looked exactly like that.  There was zero doubt in my mind that it was snow, only confusion as to how it had come down.  I believed 100% that it was snow on the ground, not a trick of light by the moon..

The memory even now is fading bit by bit, aided no doubt by a long frustrating day at work.  But I still remember my shock and certainty, and I remember that one snapshot in my mind.  I want to remember it forever.  The morning something magical happened to me.  Cliche?  Yeah, it is, so what?  In this day in age, I yearn for some sort of lighthearted magic to happen so dammit when I see it I will believe it.

The only thing that I wish is that I would have gone outside when I saw the snow...

In the immortal words of my beloved, "You had a chance to go to Narnia and YOU DIDN'T TAKE IT!"

I hope it happens again someday, maybe then I will.
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