New Clothes

Sep 09, 2007 15:36

I got new clothes today.  For around $216 I got three pants, four shirts, and some under shirts.  I guess that was a good deal, most of these were good quality.  Plus I had to get clothes for my new job.

Yep, thats right, I got a job...ish.  It's a long term temp job that spans a bout a month or so.  I will be working at Comcast on a data clean up job.  It's just a temp job but it's a step in the right direction, that direction being employment and money.

Overall I am both excited and nervous about it.  My last long term job didn't go well at all (construction) so all I have is bad job memories.  However, this one involves much less death so yes, good times.  It pays $11 bucks an hour and it's 8:30 - 5:00, five days a week.  Money shall be mine!  =D

On a final note, for Dragon Campaign people.  I would like to get that running again but we shall have to see about other times besides thursday night since katie has classes.  Perhaps sometime friday?  Or saturday afternoon?  Leave a comment or contact me via email/aim/skype...whatever.  Just let me know which is best.
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