Jan 11, 2006 00:09
Right now I'm on a very long winter break. Its a break for Christmas, but we have to be politically correct so we say that it is for winter. Anyways, I got to see my highschool friends again which was nice. I also celebrated Christmas in the American Jewish fashion. We went to a vegetarian Chinese restaurant (Chinese restaurants are the only restaurants open on Christmas because everything is closed), afterwards we wanted ice cream and the only place open that sold ice cream was the Arab market nearby. As I was paying for the ice cream he wished me a "Merry Christmas" so I wished him an "Eid Mubarak." He was just shocked because he didn't expect that.
Christmas Eve, a Jewish performer, Matisyahu, played at the big music club in Washington DC, so I went with my friends. He's Reggae, beatboxing and funk, types of music, and he's Chasidic so he performs in a suit and black hat. It was the first night of Chanukkah so he lit the Chanukiah on stage. I had my kippah on, and someone approached me after the show and asked me if I davened Maariv yet, and if I wanted to pray backstage with Matisyahu. So I prayed backstage with him after the show.
After that was the Christian New Year's (Sylvester), which everybody celebrates by getting drunk. I had non-alcoholic champagne because I was driving later. At 2 AM my friend and I drove down to South Carolina on a road trip. Its an 8 hour drive, 770 kilometers. I went to see my ex girlfriend, Robin. She was the one from Israel that I had to leave for the trip to Bet Shemesh, when you came up and comforted me. So we were together for 2-3 days, and it was fun. It was like returning to my trip to Israel, and returning to being with her, but I had to leave and so I miss her. I’m trying to get her to come to the same university as me, if you want I can show you a picture.
Anyways, next semester I’m taking a class on Jewish history, and on poetry of the Bible, so I’m excited for that. Last semester the joke was that “ A Jew, a Christian and a Muslim walk into a dorm room, and that’s my dorm room.” Me, Mohammed, and Drew were living in the same room, but Mohammed is going to medical school in Pakistan so we might get a new roommate. On my floor at college I have become the token Israeli on the floor because I only listen to Israeli music, and I came back to the US with a heavy Israeli accent.
-At my college, the University of Maryland, there are 6,000 Jews, but many of them keep no Jewish identity whatsoever, so that makes me sad.
-I was dating an Israeli girl here, but she is making Aliyah as of tomorrow, her name is Eli Harel.
-Shotei Hanevua came to play at Maryland, but I didn’t like them at all. Soon Ivri Lider is coming to play at Maryland so I’m excited.
-Other than that, I’ve been doing many small things. I was trying to buy a ticket to visit Israel in the summer but they are very expensive. If you know any secrets of how to get cheap tickets to Israel, please tell me. Although, I’m not sure if I’m allowed to visit Israel because I am trying to get a government job translating Hebrew.
Well, I’ve been talking a lot
Theres not much more other than me missing you and Israel. How much time do you have left in the army? Are you still the fitness instructor at the airforce base in Tel Aviv. Anything exciting in your life? How is the reaction to Sharon’s stroke in Israel? I’m a bit nervous because he was one of the main factors creating stability in the region. How is your family? Is your brother going to America anytime soon? If he needs a place to stay in if he comes to DC just tell me. I can still remember how the baby from the Moshav called you Einav, it was very cute. Well, I still miss you. Send a Drishat Shalom to the family.