Feb 19, 2007 13:44
1. Ever had a crush on an enemy?
*amused* no. Far too much caring involved. Though, I could see it happening if they engendered enough respect. Could be kinda hot, actually.
2. Are you someones bitch?
Nope? Well, not that I know of. *peers about warily* Maybe Karma.
3. What is the meanest thing someone has ever said to you?
I think "Inhuman monster" about tops the list. Quite attached to my humanity, even the really petty parts of it. Yeah, that one hung around- mostly due to who it was. Made my nerves sit all ceremoniously for a while.
4. Should ex's die?
Nah. Actually had to make a call on that sort of thing once. *wry smile*. Though I certainly wouldn't mind if a few of them moved to another country or something. Maybe put all the ones I don't like together on a small island. With a treasure chest filled exclusively with cheese.
5. Would you ever pay for a prostitute?
Nope. Well, maybe for someone else. Most of the fun is in the thrill of the chase; unless you get something you actually want, in which case you don't need the thrill to keep interest anymore. That said, no moral opposition to prostitution.
7. Would you have sex before marriage?
'f course (having held to that barring the brief period when I was planning on becoming a monk and all through my "I shall retire a confirmed old bachelor" days). I have no desire for my commitment issues to force me into perpetual celibacy. If I do ever get married, it will likely be in the form of a sneaking assumption it will happen, with more and more of the trappings being adopted until finally only the ceremony remains. That said I like the concept of marriage... mm, complicated topic.
8. Who is your favourite person to talk to?
I'm not entirely sure I get very much out of conversation with people. Bella's good for shaking my clear from my occasional bouts of introspection though. Ganesa also perks me up. Everyone should have a Ganesa. Hell, he should have a spinoff of his own. I'll start filming it next time I see him. We can have hyperenthusiastic start up music and everything. Can't you just hear "Paint it black?"
9. If you could change your name, what would you change it too?
Something with a !X click in it, just to see receptionists having the pronounce it when they send patients in. But seriously, open to suggests. Kevin is such a bland name.
10. Whats the best sandwich filling?
I never knew I had so few opinions on things. Clearly someone forgot to finish my personality. Hmm, I don't like yellow stuff. And I don't eat meat. What's left?
11. What do you think of sex on the first date?
Not a preference, and I've held myself to that on previous experiences. I'd much prefer to know people I have sex with. But if I was very comfortable with them, it might bend- preferential rather than moral. First dates are more a getting to know thing- for "real" relationships, at least.
12. What do you want to be when you grow up?
A man with a cat. A career, a sense of humor and a family would be nice too, but the cat is a necessity. If only to appease that tiny voice of conscience in the back of my head whose sole remaining purpose is to say "I want a cat" in a plaintive voice when I'm not around one.
13. Did your ex-boyfriends or ex-girlfriends give you any going-away insults? What did they say?
*grins* plenty of those. Usually about my callousness/uncaring/inability to love (think that singing scene in the middle of Dreamgirls) and ability to dismiss their issues as not my problem. I was called "empty inside" once. Also the "best man who could never love anyone"; which was rather nicer, if still slightly demoralising.
14. Have you ever had a stalker or been a stalker?
Been stalked more than I'd like to admit. Never really stalked, though that's more because fate tends to throw interesting people at me before I reach that level. Closest to stalking was the last few days of December last year actually... but I digress.
15. Where were you last night?
Wandering through streets and such. Saw some random beach folk, had a nice little conversation. Maybe it was insignificant, but my mind was oddly more at ease after it.
16. Where were you on Saturday night at 11pm?
Outside the Court messaging people, I believe.
17. Who was the last person's house you were in beside your own?
Nick's, talking to his mother's boyfriend most of the time. Oh, and learning about purple space-rope. As one does.
18. Worst drinking injury you have ever had?
I think I mildly impaled my thigh once. Was all good, thanks to my everpresent firstaid setup.
19. Have you ever tasted semen? Was it your own?
*amused* I think most guys have tasted their own semen at one point or another. Or maybe I'm just overly curious. Let us speak no more of it.
21. What do you smell of/like?
Apparently, warm and vaguely of apples and (almost invariably) alcohol. But it's been a few years since I've asked anyone. Others would know better.
Addendum: Apparently (after some degree of consultation), it was decided I smell of cointreau. Even whilst not carrying cointreau. *grins* There are worse things.
22. Favourite Cordial flavour? Weak or strong?
Tend to avoid cordial, actually.
23. What is your heritage?
Okinawan/very jumbled british/european. We have charts, but as long as they don't circle back I'm not too concerned.
24. Do you know what a Coolgardie safe is?
Yeah, it was one of those water-cooling primitive fridges.
25. Vegemite or honey?
Honey. Typically not a fan of either, but good in a famine-driven pinch.
26. Are you opposed to dating bearded weirdo's or worse still red heads?
Hmm, wouldn't consider either of them my type. Never dated a red head; been dark hair almost universally. Speaking of bearded weirdos, I really must shave.
27. What your last received text message say?
Last one I read was "Call me". Deep. Deep like a fox.
28. Favourite lolly?
I don't really eat lollies?
29. Ever worn fancy dress? What was it?
I, ah, have a leather coat. Which I sometimes wear. It is black and has many pockets. I also occasionally wear a trenchcoat. Oh, the exciting life I lead.
30. What is the coolest thing a significant other has ever done for you?
Sadly, I can't really think of anything. Which is more a reflection of how little I notice the activities of my significant others than any efforts they put in. Probably suprised me in some unplanned way? Certainly the reason I've been involved with some (albeit in a rather unlasting fashion).
31. How many sugars and creams do you put in your coffee?
Blasphemy. You sip at the dry martinis of baby jesus's tears.
32. Favourite shop to buy clothes at?
I don't shop, so much as occasionally buy jackets when my old ones get destroyed. Supposedly going shopping this Thursday. Will be odd to look different. My jacket and such probably defines me far more to most others than my personality will; and I kinda like that. As long as people have something to grasp onto, they don't look too hard.