May 31, 2011 08:44
On Sunday, Nine and I acted on total impulse, jumped in the car at five in the afternoon, and drove nearly three hours to have dinner with some out of town friends.
It was glorious. I'm now in a removable cast, so I took that off and threw it in the back seat with the crutches. For three hours, I was able to forget that I can't walk and have been confined to crutches and/or a wheelchair for the past 15 weeks. We held hands and drank cokes from the gas station (a normally forbidden treat). We felt the wind in our hair and drove past trees and open fields and small towns.
We ate good food, played a board game, and then turned around and came home. I slept in the car and held his hand while he drove us back home.
I feel better than I've felt in ages.
It was 90 degrees out yesterday. We finally set up the air conditioning unit in the bedroom. Thank goodness.
Just found out that direct supervisor has jury duty all day today. Sorely tempted to skive off.