(no subject)

Oct 04, 2006 16:10

i was emailing a friend, and we have been talking about nostalgia, and turning 25, and this just sort of "fell out" while i was typing. it made me realize - to my surprise - how okay i am with myself and my life at this age and place, so i'm posting it. maybe it will encourage someone else that's down about where they're at?

"...you are totally not the only one surprised at all the adult things we do as if they were commonplace. i am a roommate. i'm a bartender. a STEPMOTHER (yeah, wrap your head around that!) a *wife*, a lover, friend, sister, daughter, voter, legal drinker... i'm responsible, i take care of my husband and roomies, i shop for groceries at costco, i throw dinner parties, i hair-model for the local cosmetology schools, i pay bills, am on a dual checking account with my husband, knit, read, do the housework, hold down a satisfying and challenging job..."

aaaand... on a different note, i would like to mention two songs that are ludicrous, and yet - works of genius. "fett's vette" by mc chris, and the latest weird al yankovich, "white and nerdy".
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