Fucking insomnia

Nov 25, 2008 03:18

This is the second night this week that i haven't been able to sleep. However the first night, I had to at least sort of try because my mom was here.

Tonight is liek "fuck". I"m hungry, which always happens when I stay up too late. Like stomach is going to burst hungry. But i'm not eating. Why? Cause that's silly. And requires energy, which i don't have. Oh, and i'm out of snacks. And really, i just don't want to leave my bed, even though it isn't very useful at the moment. Though I know if i try to do anything i'll fall right asleep, which would defeat the purpose of doing something. Dumb.

I wish pop tarts tasted okay cold. Like, never been toasted cold. Not I just didn't finish it this morning cold.

Also, i wish my neighbors would lay off the hentaispoons so i can steal their internet more efficiently. It's much more cost effective.

Zeebee is ruining my comforter cover day by day. WTF? Also, i'm on a mission to capture just how ridiculous her feeding time is when there is no food in the bowl. Classy fo sho.

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