LiveJournal thought my post was "too long" to I had to put it into two parts! Wasn't planning it! But here is Part two!
Make sure to read Part 1 before this one!
It's a...
Yeah... I don't even know that is.
Birthday time in order to know if it's a boy or girl!
Olive: Grow up already! You are starting to scare me...
You and me both Olive...
Well it has Billy's hair...
Meet Giselle! From Enchanted! She is the last child of Generation 1! Yay!
In order to get an heir poll out her skills were to start right away!
Olive: Come on Gelly! Let's learn to walk!
Olive: And fast...
Aladdin and Phillip's bedroom...
Billy tried to earn more money by getting tips...
At the local school... This kid watched through the night.
Giselle: MAMA! I'm a mummy! Grrrrrr
Giselle's crib!
In Belle's room...
Giselle: Look mommy! I look like you!
Why are the tv people Sims 2??
Even though Giselle was an accident, Olive loved her just like all of her kids.
Giselle soon learned to talk as well.
Aladdin: I have to wait until NEXT time to see my sister as a teen?
Yes... Unfortunately. This has been a LOOOONG installment.
Well to me at least.
Questions to leave you with:
Are you glad I am back?
Who is your favorite?
Will Billy and Olive fall in love again?
An heir poll??
All these questions answered and more next time!
Make sure you comment!