Follow You Until You Love Me
A Glee Stalker Comment Fic Meme
How it works:
Write a short fic about a one-sided relationship in Glee. Someone will then respond with another one-sided fic, only with the object of desire in the being the one in love. Example: I’m starting off with Brittany/Kurt, and the next fic should be Kurt/Figgins, and then Figgins/Quinn and so on.
~ The key words here are one-sided. This can range from quietly pining to full on creepy-stalking, but there should be no outright return of feelings.
~ Please write all responses in the comments. If you ‘re a stickler for archiving and would rather have everything in your fic journal and link it here, I won’t argue, but I’d rather keep everything in one place, please and thank you. :D
~ There’s no limit to how many response fics there can be. If someone wrote Kurt/Figgins but you really want to do Kurt/Kendra, then go for it, we’ll start another chain.
~ Eventually, there will be enough fics that you’ll be able to respond with any character/pairing you want. But if you NEED to write about Puck’s sister and her burning passion for Howard Bamboo’s vacuum, and Puck’s sister hasn’t come up yet? Just throw it in. Why not.
~ Make sure your fills are labeled in the Subject line with ‘Fic: (pairing)’ for organization’s sake. If you just want to drop a review comment, either leave the subject line blank or mark it as a review.
~ And just to keep things clear, I know my pairing examples are kind of cracky, but any/all pairings are welcome!
~ Obviously this is kind of experimental, so just jump in and have fun! We’ll work it out as we go.
Also, if anybody with actual graphic making skills wants to make some kind of banner, I’ll love you forever. I don’t want to post to comms without one. And feel free to pimp it yourselves, you lovely people, you! ♥