SPN drabble - In The FACE

Jan 10, 2010 17:02

280 Words
Pre S4
Written for crazyjoyfulgirl AGES ago. Hope you don't mind my posting it, bb.

“Dude, you just shot me in the face!”

Dean brushed bits of scale and fin from his jacket with his free hand. “I killed it, didn’t I?”

“But… in the FACE!” As if his proclamations needed more emphasis, Sam pointed with such gusto he nearly lost an eye.

Dean made a farting noise with his lips as he holstered his gun. “So you’d rather have some freaky demon goldfish eating your brain through your nasal cavity?”

“Ye- No! But what if you had, oh I don’t know, missed?”

“Even if I had, which I wouldn’t have, the bullet would probably just graze off your rugged and manly features.”

Sam stared at him hard enough to make a normal man’s head explode. Sadly, Dean was not a normal man, and continued to pick up shards of former-fish-tank from the floor for a full minute before even noticing.

He cleared his throat. “I mean, the bullet would have been scared by your ugly mug and would try to run in the opposite direction. Or would have landed softly in that thing on your face. Now help me clean up. Or better yet, help her.”

Sam had nearly forgotten about her. When they had gotten to the apartment, she had been sitting in a corner, half-covered in fish-guts and trembling. Now she was peering at them curiously over her glasses.

“Yesterday… you guys said you were brothers, right?”

“No,” Sam said swiftly, failing to suppress a deer-in-the-headlights look. This was in no way helped by Dean’s casual “Yes.”

She blinked, and decided that that moment was a very good one to go take a shower and try to forget the last three days.

spn, spn: brother!love

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