I need a straight girl translator please.

May 05, 2011 01:00

So I mentioned my straight girl issue earlier in the week. Well after over a solid nine days the girl finally text me back. Now I'm gonna play it out for you and if there are any straight girls reading this or anyone that has any idea what it means, I would be greatly appreciative of an explanation. She's still playing me, I think but I'm falling for it again! To be honest, I really have nothing better to do with my time then chase this girl so maybe that's why I don't care. Maybe I should get a hobby. Maybe chasing straight girls is a hobby... a stupid one but a hobby none the less.

Anyway, my girl's name is Baley, which I just think is all types of sexy. I so have a thing for unisex-y names. Brittany and Baley... is that a cute name pairing? I can't tell. *shrugs* I'm getting WAAAAY to ahead of myself anyway. Ok, so onto the texts.

I get a text while I'm at work. I couldn't fucking believe it was her. I was in shock. Like I didn't even open it. I just looked at it and started laughing. I was finally getting over this girl. I was ready to say, "fuck her" and be on my merry way... and then she texts me. It's like she knew it was happening and had to stop it before I got to that point. Creeped me out, kinda.

So I open it and it and our conversation goes something like this...

Baley: i miss you... i don't like ignoring you (so she was ignoring me! What a bitch!)

Me: i'm used to it now (oh burn!)

Baley: ugh (yeah that's all she says back. No apology, which I never got anyway. I think she wanted me to be just thrilled that she decided to speak to me again. And really I was, but I wanted her to suffer a little because what she did is still not cool in my book)

Me: I'm not sure what you want me to say. Am I glad to hear from you? Yes, very. Am I pissed at you? Yes. I just don't know what you want.

Me: I did miss you too though... (and I did, as much as it pains me to say it)

Baley: ok good (=

Me: Why did you ignore me?

Baley: I don't know really... (I HATE THIS ANSWER)

Me: You could of told me to give you some space. I would have. (seriously, I would have)

Baley: Well now I know

Me: Yeah. I always thought I was too smart to get played but I guess not lol (I really did too)

Baley: lol stop.. I'm not playing you (oh I think you are)

Me : You call telling someone you like them then ignoring them for a week for no reason then telling them you miss them isn't playing them? lol I think it's the definition (I typed some lol's just so she didn't think I was yelling at her so she didn't get mad but really I was not lol-ing)

Baley: stop... ok

Me: Fine, I'll stop. How are things with you? (I let it go at this point. I got my point across, I think. But still no apology. Wtf?)

Baley: I do miss you (This line gets me everytime! Every fucking time! And she's said it twice now! This is when I knew I was still not ready to give up on this girl even though I SHOULD. I'm bored and lonely and I have no other excuse.)

Me: I miss you too (BECAUSE I DO! FUCK MY LIFE)

Baley: I hope so (And this was the last text I got back from her. She  hopes so? She hopes that I miss her?)

Me: Why? (I really just wanted to see if she'd answer that. It was kind of code for "prove it." I wanted to know what she missed. Was it just talking that she missed? Seeing me, perhaps? Being close to me? I was just curious why this girl is still interested. She could of let me drift into the background and never spoken to me again and I would of hated on her and gotten over her eventually. Why bring me back?)

But she never answered so I really have no idea why. And I did text her some shitty goodbye like, "Talk to you in a week? Awesome." Ha, I'm an asshole. I'm not gonna let that go until she apologizes. I'll bring it up in shitty ways like that until she does.

So I dunno. Maybe she fell asleep or whatever. I guess if she texts me tomorrow then it'll be alright. But if she doesn't then we're back to where we were.

I guess my biggest question to anyone who reads this is what the hell is she doing? Do I still stand any kind of chance with this girl or am I seriously up Shit Creek here? She says she misses me but I miss ice cream when I'm not eating it. So missing me doesn't really have to mean anything. And why did she ignore me? If you say you like someone then ignore them, why would you do that? I can't think of a reason! I've had over a week to ponder it and I got nothing! Help me crack the code! There's a solid picspam in it if you do *wink wink* That was a bribe. I'm totally bribing you...

Anyone who read through that I just wanna say, thanks. You're a peach!

advice, plea for help, ranting

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