Hello. It's been a long time. Just to catch up on what's new with me I'll start with saying I'm still a big homo. I'm still ridiculously good looking and I still swear like a son of a bitch.
Hmm... I recently got burned by a straight girl. I don't really think she's straight. I think she's gay. She's a big lesbian fo' sho'. I know it. My cats, Michael and Jackson, know it (they told me so). The bottle of water I'm drinking out of now knows it. BUT her dad and her family in general didn't take it to well. The same day we hooked, which was Easter by the way (In your face Jesus!) she told her dad she was gay. He's super religious, blah, blah, blah. He took it bad, of course. Did the whole, "I'll disown you because my happiness is more important than yours!" bullshit. I even heard he cried. Really dude? Really? Gay isn't that bad. Get a grip. Don't knock it 'till you try it, that's my motto. And if you refuse to try it then don't cry about it if your daughter decides to fondle some tits and ass in her spare time. She was good at it too. I was surprised. So I had somebody who was into me and me into her... and Jesus ruined it. That's what I get for fucking a girl on Easter. Jesus must know voodoo or some shit, I think.
Anyways, I felt sorry for the girl. That's the worst response a person can get almost. Even worse was that she's really close with her dad. Like, family is important to her and her dad is the most important. Losing him is not an option to her. So I asked her, "Would you be willing to be unhappy to keep them happy?" And she said yes. And I told her than it looks like you're not gay then. It shocked me that someone could have a huge self discovery like that and accept it (she was actually genuinely happy to have discovered this about herself) and then be willing to give up her happiness for someone else. That shit makes people crazy later in life. So it looked like Jesus had won this one but...
The next day she text me that she still might want more than friends. That gave me hope for only about five minutes because she has pretty much ignored me since then. Needless to say, I've had a case of the mopes for a week. She was hot and we clicked really well. Makes me sad.
And to be honest, I could of genuinely been this girls friend without any of the sexy time. I might of tried to get some more sexy time though cause I think I'm capable of getting it. If she drinks then she's definitely mine (high five!) But I thought friends was a possibility. But with this whole ignore me bullshit she's playing, which I think is just so rude, I'm doubtful that anything will come of it. Fucking straight girls. I should know better. I DO know better. Blah. Shitty times. Let's have some picspam for old times sake.
You know... Brittany Snow looked really good in my Maxim this month or last month, I can't remember now. But the issue has stuck with me. It's the best cover since I started getting Maxim, by far. I met a stripper that looked so much like Brittany Snow I debated stalking her. But I decided it wasn't worth it because she wasn't Brittany Snow. True story. Enjoy.
P.S. I hope you are all well and good. I missed you. Sorry I've been distant. Forgive me.