Hello everyone! Hope you all had a good new year and more importantly, some good clean heavy drinking. And for future reference, if anyone ever has the chance to try a shot called a Girl Scout Cookie, DO IT!. It's green and it tastes just like a those mint crack cookies those little hookers sell. It's the most delicious way I've gotten wayyyysted in a long time. Incredible... Like, I wish I had more than two thumbs to raise high and proud in honor of its awesome.
Anyways, I got some pretty pictures because I'm trying not to start off the year by being a lazy postless whore. I've never posted any Eva because she's not high up on my "do" list. But I really liked these pictures. So here you go... And seriously, try that shot. And make sure it's made with green creme de menthe. It's much better than the peppermint schnapps. Just a suggestion.
Boobies.... The first cleavage of 2010. Fuckin' A.