Is Lost over yet? I haven't heard anything about it in a long time so is it over? I'd love to see Evangeline in something else. Something that I find consistently desirable to watch. I like looking at her though. A lot. I'm not even 100% confident she's a good actress. Who knows if she'll be good at playing anything but a stranded, sweaty hottie. Time will tell I suppose.
Anyways. I found a few cute pics of her recently and I felt like sharing them. She's totally adorable. Her smile gets me everytime! And she looks great with her fingers near or around her mouth. And when I say great I mean hot. But the 2nd to last is my favorite! So cute!
And since I'm sort of on the topic of shows that I like to watch on a consistent basis, I've been watching a lot of the America's Next Top Modelathon on VH1. I feel embarrassed for liking it as much as I do. I mostly just love looking at the pretty pictures. Some of them are pretty fierce. But Tyra is an annoying fucktard a majority of the time. She just grates on my nerves a lot.
My favorite cycle of ANTM was the first one. I loved it. I enjoyed those girls the most out of any that I've watched since. Especially Adrienne and Elyse. Especially Elyse. She was a total and complete intellectual. She hated being there and hated the environment and a majority of the girls and she had totally awesome complaining rants and I just related to her the most. 80% of the girls on this show amaze me that they've survived in the outside world as long as they have. They're either not too bright or so bitchy it's amazing they haven't died or been strangled as they slept.
But anywho, I caught the 1st cyce for the first time like a year or two ago and after watching it, I used Elyse as my visual for what Elka of The KC and Elka Planet Podcast would look like since they've never posted a picture of themselves. So all I knew about Elka's physical appearance was that she had dark short hair (a jewfro), light eyes, skinny and at one point KC even mentioned that she looked like a model at one point. So all that subconsciously linked Elyse to Elka in my mind.
My mental image of Elka (sorry it's so tiny)
A few days ago I caught a few episodes of cycle one and I about flipped my shit when I re-watched it this time and here's why. A few years and many podcasts have passed since I decided to use Elyse as my Elka. So now that I know more about Elka and KC's life, it makes the similarities that I noticed a few days ago between Elka and my pretend Elyse version of her almost creepy. Here are some of the odd coincidences that I noticed.
Both of them live in Albuquerque, New Mexico
Both are Atheists
Both have jobs or majors dealing with Science
Both have labeled themselves as an "evolution type of person"
Elyse and Elka's names both start with an 'El'
I know those might not seem relevant but after listening to all the Planet Podcasts and then re-watching Elyse on cycle 1, they're more alike in ways that I never realized before when it comes to their personality, which is totally awesome and makes me feel totally awesome for using her as my mental Elka image in the first place. I realize that pretty much nobody will know what I'm talking about here but the whole situation totally fascinated and awed me for a couple days now. It was just like wow, that's weird but totally awesome. It's like a confirmation of my amazingness pretty much...
And I think I'm going to watch the show, What About Brady? or something like that. It has Adrienne from cycle 1 in it and I liked her on ANTM so I think I might like her show. It looks kind of retarded and petty but Adrienne swears a lot and at some point she does a photo shoot with "her sexy friend that's so hot." Which creates a scenario I never would of imagined seeing on VH1. Apparently, Adrienne used to be a lesbian or is bisexual. Whatever, I'm not sure exactly what her deal is but she still finds the ladies attractive, especially her friend, so she takes a nude photo shoot with her and gives the pictures to her boyfriend as a gift. And instead of enjoying it like a normal person would he totally flips out about it. That reaction is a rare one. Especially from a guy. It fascinated me. I dunno if the show will be good but I liked the previews they showed every 5 seconds during the marathon. I need a stupid but funny show to enjoy like that. Hopefully it doesn't suck to horribly.
Anyways, here's a pic of Adrienne. She's a good looking girl. I'm anxious to see her shoot with her friend. The glimpses of the pics in the preview looked hot but tasteful so it'd be nice if we got to see them. The snake shoot was one of the best ones the show has ever done. Pretty much all the girls had amazing photos from that one.
One more thing... has anyone noticed the Lokenator in a new movie that looks kinda shitty? It has that dude from, The Transporter, Jason something in it and it has the word King in the title of it. Anyways, I think I saw the Lokenator for about 2 seconds in the preview but I could be mistaken. I'd look it up but I like the mystery of not knowing. I wanna see the preview again to confirm if I'm right.
And just for fun. Here's a sexfully delicious photo of Rosario Dawson I came across recently who really is one of the most flawless looking people on the planet. She's fantastic I think.