Jan 13, 2014 16:44
I feel a bit blank toward Sherlock S3. Lots of drama happened, probably to portray and/or contrast the character of Sherlock. Seems that in exchange, the adventures/deduction parts paled out - the only one I like now is the mind-palace scene with Molly and Anderson. John is basically stuck into a washing machine running in the wrong cycle. Mary is... kinda plot device - we get the top bits (she is fun, baddass, loves John), but none of the middle bits to build around the purpose of her character. Janine was predictable. Actually, most interesting female characters in canon Sherlock Holmes have became some agency for Sherlock's character in this series, so I probably shouldn't have hopped at all.
I don't even feel anything toward CAM and Moriaty "_". Of course I loved the comedy of eps 2 and the 29-frames of Mystrade, but I could tell many parts of S3 was obviously toward crowd pleasing without solid construction on the parts that made S1 and S2 unique.
So here's some wish that S4 will be better.