Interesting Coversation in Chatroom YfQ

Feb 20, 2009 09:26

Condensed Version

K: Off-topic, someone in this Womens' Studies class did a reading of "If Men Could Menstruate" and I chortled :s. I think it was a really feminist writing, biased strongly on male stereotypes. I thought it was stereotypical/anti-male to assume that men would brag about their periods or use them to prove how they're superior to women. e.g. "You're a pansy, you only have a two-day period"

M: hehe But guys exist who /would/ say that. The point isn't that they /all/ would say that. But the reality is that if men could menstruate, it would very likely have long been seen as a sign of strength in patriarchal society, not a weakness, and not gross

Zedster_The_Myuu: When I was a young man, we had to walk 30 miles barefoot in the snow, both ways uphill just to menstruate.

M headdesks

K facepalms

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