Well... I thought it was obvious but...

Oct 06, 2007 01:01

After a couple of things that I heard tonight, I just want to reiterate... What I put up on this is by no means a complete picture of my life.

Generally I'm only talking about things that excite me, since good news is always nice, and I certainly don't put up that many things that bother me (I'm not that nice a person that nothing bothers me, it's just that I don't feel the need to air it to EVERYONE, I'll just air them with some people) and things that have really had a massive impact on me (ie- Courtney's illness and death) which I have actually wanted to share with everyone- and really, as further to do with that, my wanting to share what was going on with her was that so many people got to know her, and I wanted them to sort of "get to be with her" for her final days.

And for those of you who have been friended SINCE those very, very fateful days- Courtney was my cat. She was an *AWESOME* cat, if a bit dumb, but incredible none the less, and she died on February 2nd after 2 days of being very, very ill with what was a cancerous tumour very close to her heart, which caused her to bleed into her lungs until I had to take her to the vet to be euthanised, or I would have let her drown in her own blood, in what would have been a more suffering death. And quite possibly only 2 or 3 people have any comprehension of just how difficult it was for me to do that, despite it being an end to her suffering.

So yeah, while I put SOME parts of my life here, I'm putting in less than 1/10th of my life, so really it's very, very little. For a while I was putting a great deal more of my life on here, but to be honest, there are a getting to be more and more people who I feel distanced from, and there have been a few people who I trusted so much and have been so betrayed by (ooh boy, "betrayed" really doesn't quite capture quite how horrible it was, trust is EVERYTHING to me) and as such, I don't feel comfortable with everyone knowing so much about me.

You can certainly get a picture of some aspects of me, but I am, and always will remain, different to what can be expected, and no amount of boy-scout training could prepare you for it.

There are no moulds for me, I am a once-off, ultra limited edition.

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