Apr 19, 2007 19:25
Summer courses:
Math 203 - Mathematical Tools for Finance (re: a joke. and a boring one at that)
History 253 - Intro to Native American History
Next fall:
Math 305 - Modern Abstract Algebra I (aka Sudden Death)
Math 225 - Combinatorics and Graph Theory
CS 111 - Intro to Computer Programming and Problem Solving (with laboratory)
Psych 212 - Personality
What's really sad: By the end of first semester, eight of my seventeen credits* will be from Math courses.
I'm still debating tacking on some sort of joke class as a fifth course, but I've fulfilled mostly all of my distribution requirements already (thank God)--with the exception of a natural/physical science with lab--so I'm not sure if there's anything I really WANT to add.
*I think credit hours work differently here. I believe the 8 and 17 are comparable to 32 and 68, respectively, at other institutions--but I could be wrong.