Hello, world!
I'm gonna' basically treat this place like a diary and not give a fuck who actually reads it. I'm giving very serious consideration to actually start posting things in this blog at a regular basis rather than annually, though!
This past year I've:
- Loved and lost. Still feel like crap but I'd say Shakespeare was right about it.
- Released a short platformer that was a christmas present.
- Ported that game to Java but the port was kind of shit.
- Released a shorter shmup that was a... thing?
- Released a small demo for an adventure game that I wish I had the motivation and time to keep going with.
- Played far more Spiral Knights than I have any right to. It's a good core game bogged down by it's MMO business model
- Stayed in school. Go me!
- Bought a newer laptop to work with advanced 3D stuff at school and also so I can play Earth Defence Force at work.
- Had a visitor from the distant land of America.
Not pictured: The rock she had to stand on to reach that far up to me.
- Also got a new hat! I don't have the other one anymore.
- Somehow still not gotten fired.
- Still running #gmc