First tagged stuff... beware!

Sep 14, 2007 13:54

1.- I'm hyperkinetic!!! I can't be too long in one place or without anything to do, or else I'll freak out, and when I'm in that kind of situation with someone is the moment to prove is she/he can handle a friendship relation with me. I mean, if he/she can endure me trough that time, is more likely that will be able to endure about anything about me.

2.- I'm a caffeine junkie, totally dependent to it... I haven't realized it until I got stuck with redgenji in her sister house for 5 days with any of it. At day 3 I was crawling up the walls and running upside-down on the ceilings for a cup of a black strong one.

3.- When I'm in stressing situation I tend to rub my fingers again each other rapidly... it's very freaking spooky when people find out!

4.- I also pull my hear when I'm stressed, or bored. Well, I really try to comb it with my fingers, and then I grab it and pull it. I blame my curly hair, and I'm trying to eliminate that habit, because it damages my hair a lot.

5.- I hate unexpected visits, surprise partys and that kind of stuff.

6.- I got a little bit pessimistic-minded through the past four years, don't know why, but I prefer to wait for the worst than be disappointed with the weigth of the outcome.

7.- I tend to hate certain kind of people only by seen them, and anything they could do will change my mind, even if when I get to know them are the most lovely persons in this world.

I'll tag the following:


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