May 12, 2009 06:44
Hi, I haven't posted in here for awhile, but thought I would give an update! I am 21 weeks and 4 days along as of a little over half way there. I feel great and can feel the baby kick now! For those of you who don't already know, Ryan and I are planning on having a home birth with our midwife (Goldie) who is absolutely amazing. She has delivered more than 900 babies and actually had 7 home births of her own. I know it freaks some people out, but she is highly trained and experienced, she also transports at signs of early distress (which are different than hospital stress). Honestly watch the movie "The Business of Being Born" it's actually a documentary on birth in the US vs. other industrialized nations. It's pretty amazing how poorly the US ranks!!! I've also contacted several of Goldie's former clients and all have said amazing things about her, she actually delivered some of Ryan's students too! We ordered our birthing tub and it should be here in a few days. I can't wait to get it!