Things I find while reading...

Jan 26, 2005 01:32

I thought this was interesting...found it in a book called 'Sexy Origins and Intimate Things'. "Homosexual" is -not- in the Bible--- 'To clear up a common misconception, the remarkably new word "homosexual" does not appear in Hebrew or Christian Scripture. It simply didn't exist back then. As Yale historian John Boswell writes in Christianity, Social Tolerance, and Homosexuality (1979): "In spite of misleading English translations which may imply the contrary, the word 'homosexual' does not occur in the Bible; no extant text or manuscript, Hebrew, Greek, Syriac, or Aramaic, contains such a word. There are of course ways to get around the lack of a specific word in a language, and an action may be condemnedwithout being named, but it is doubtful in this particular case whether a concept of homosexual behavior as a -class- existed at all." The Bible does clearly state prohibitions against same-sex acts, but at the same time is states that a child who curses his mother or father shall be put to death; that a man who touches a menstruating woman, even his wife, shall be exiled from his people; that a susepcted adultress is required to drink poison as a test of her guilt; that a leper's infection is a sign of his moral guilt. These are all ideas that religion has grown beyond. All but one, that is.' I thought that was terribly amusing. I"ve gotta remember to tell those people that tell you it's in the Bible that their opinion doesn't count anyway cause I'm sure they've touched some woman on their period once and are therefore no longer actually a part of our society. Now let's find some adultresses!!
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