The most notable development to come out of my observations this week has been a correction to the litter count. It's hard to number all of these scurrying individual fox kits, but one afternoon I got it pinned down to five. It's even more difficult to capture them all in one photo frame, so four of them together will have to do. I don't know how mother fox handles all of these rambunctious kids with such aplomb.
The male fox (not pictured here) is larger, and lighter in color. He typically shows up in the evening, after Cinnamon has retired to his bed in the garage for the night. That's when Dad leads the kits out into the field, a little further from the den each session. He brings them things to play with, items to learn from. From the window, the teaching tools appear to be a variety of fur or feathers. I can also see the kits pouncing on insects in the grass. Their skills are growing almost as fast their bodies. Our human lives in this house seem static in comparison to the lives of the seven foxes in that house.